Racial Profiling of Sex Abusers by the Media

John Nolte of Breitbart.com is among those noticing that the media seems much more quick to paint Black men as rapists than White Men.

He holds up Bill Clinton as the top example of the molester in chief, who has been given a pass and a good deal of protection even up to today against the accusations of rape and sexual imposition, brought against him by Juanita Broderick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey.   Nolte points out that Bill Cosby does not enjoy media protection against 30 old charges of rape brought by a pair of women.  They are ready to throw Dr. Cosby into the trash heap of show biz history.  Likewise, dubious, and far less serious charges against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain brought a firestorm of career damaging assault from the mainstream press.  It seems as though the media is more than ready to take down a public figure who is Black, on sex related accusations, but is very protective of the White guy.

Added to Nolte’s list is the tepid media coverage of horrendous accusations brought by both males and females who have recalled being molested or raped by members of the Hollywood elite.    It’s expected that “An Open Secret”,  Amy Berg’s  documentary film addressing the sexual transgressions carried out against underage kids in Hollywood,  is not going to get much distribution.

After branding conservatives as automatic racists, it’s time for the media to face up to its own, painfully obvious, racial bias and the damage caused to women, caused by holding Bill Clinton, White-Boy-molester-in-chief, as the top rock star of the Democrat party.  Maybe it was his steadfast support of abortion that earned him this armor coat of  media  protection.

Meet James Golden ‘Mr. Snerdley’, Rush’s Call Screener

James Golden goes by the name Mr. Snerdley as he monitors Rush Limbaugh’s show, and chooses among the thousands of callers who long for a minute of fame on the biggest talk show in radio.

The Man who controls the Caller portion of Rush Limbaugh's Radio Show
The Man who controls the Caller portion of Rush Limbaugh’s Radio Show

James Golden is an articulate and engaging speaker in his own right, and is working outside the show to inspire others to be the best they can be.
Visit the Daily Caller to hear what Mr. Golden has to say about the effects of liberalism on Black communities, the non-help from Obama, as well as his own years of helping to make the Rush Limbaugh Show an unprecedented broadcast success, (5 time winner of the Marconi Award).

Media Coverup: The Inherent Racism of Leftists

One of several important reasons a person should avoid affiliation with leftists is the inherent racism, sexism, and bigotry which is the basis for their social policies and personal functioning.

Leftists consider non-whites to be livestock, and treat them as such.  The left desires to herd (to the cities), feed (food stamps EBT SNAP), house, provide health care (birth control and abortions), various ethic and racial groups, and keep them as voter stock.

The media serves as cover whenever the leftist racism bubbles to the surface in their words. Certainly they have been effective in training people to believe that the conservatives, who want everyone to be free to achieve self actualization, are the oppressors, while the paternalistic left, which pushes down or kills  anyone who wants to work hard and achieve, is seen as benevolent.  In fact, non-white conservatives, who respect the family, and oppose the herding of minorities, are said to be selling out their own people.

Here is your chance to see how the media covers  up  the racist gaffes of Harry Reid, Gary King, and Joe Biden. Desperate leftie  politicians, with possible dementia reducing their ability to filter speech, have been firing off offensive comments right and left, lately, and Brietbart.com  has been cataloging the remarks and the lack of media response.  Click the links to see: it’s still pre-civil-rights-era in the brains of the lefties.

Living in lie-cloud of the lamestream media has left many minority groups completely confused about who is REALLY holding them down in present day America.

Wacoal My Beautiful Woman

Wacoal My Beautiful Woman.

One of the vids from this series was featured at Jill Stanek’s blog, but there are more.

Wacoal is a large conglomerate, known for ladies’  lingerie, which started out as Wako Corporation in Japan.  Its subsidiary in Thailand is celebrating the beauty and courage of women.

Take a refreshing break from such nastiness as Cecile Richards and her abortion valentines, and watch the stories of heroic women in Thailand.  It’ll make you “happy happy happy”!

Where the Old Media Stands on Pedophilia

William Bigelow at Breitbart.com points out that the New York Times Op Ed editor, Andrew Rosenthal has seen fit to publish Woody Allen’s response to Dylan Farrow’s  letter.  Her letter was refused for the NYT op-ed page and had been relegated to Kristof in the NYT blog section .

The Los Angeles Times also refused to publish an op-ed by Dylan Farrow.

It’s good to know where the moribund old media stands on child abuse.

It’s easy to find Woody’s response, but it won’t be linked here, due to Pharmer’s long standing bias against the little perv.

Woody Allen on family life: “It’s no accomplishment to have or raise kids. Any fool can do it.”

(Pharmer: His mama failed.)

Woody Allen on sex: “I’m open-minded about sex. I’m not above reproach; if anything, I’m below reproach. I mean, if I was caught in a love nest with 15 12-year-old girls tomorrow, people would think, yeah, I always knew that about him.” pause “Nothing I could come up with would surprise anyone.  I admit to it all.”

Italicized quotes are From People’s Magazine, October 04, 1976 Vol6. No14

Related: Dylan Farrow Rips Hollywood for Honoring her Abuser

Dylan Farrow Rips Hollywood for Honoring her Abuser

The last visual memory your friendly Pharmer has of anything that Woody Allen did is from more than 25 years ago, and the title is forgotten.  Later stuff from him was avoided, due to hearing that he was a pervert, having sex with “step-kids”.

His younger adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow has had enough of Woody being honored and celebrated in Hollywood.  She’s written an open letter detailing some of the abuse and addressing how it feels to see her abuser held in such high esteem by the entertainment industry.

Read Dylan’s letter HERE. 

Pharmer expects the left to continue celebrating the lives and times of their rapists, perverts, and pedophiles.

The personal boycott of Woody Allen products will continue.   Why pay to be made sick?

UPDATE: 2/7/14  Maureen Orth gives “facts” about the case in Vanity Fair.

Related – results of the custody hearing when Mia Farrow Split with Woody Allen.

Phil Robertson Kept It So Much More Classy Than the CDC

For the past week we have heard from innumerable media wusses complaining that Phil Robertson was crude, crass, disgusting for uttering the medical terms “anus” and “vagina” while explaining his preference for females, and lack of understanding why a man would be sexually attracted to another male.

Phil Robertson Anatomy Lesson

The real source of the complaints is that, in using those anatomical references, Phil decreased the marketability of certain homosexual practices to the primary and middle school kids, who know the basic details about the exit of the GI tract, and what comes out there.  If one clicks on the link, one can review basic gastrointestinal anatomy, and become as smart as a fifth grader.  The last thing that GLAAD wants is for the common sense of a primary school kid to be applied in evaluating these matters.

Pharmer was quite satisfied with presentation of this issue by Phil Robertson, which was direct, but not nasty, or obscene, and quite a bit more genteel than that used by the author who interviewed him, and by most others in the mainstream media (e.g. Anderson Cooper of CNN, the current king of too much information).

Phil Robertson, addressing a reporter of Gentleman’s Quarterly, a magazine directed towards adult males, was quite within the bounds of verbal propriety.

No one would dream of criticizing the manner in which this topic is handled by the United States Centers for Disease Control, which, by comparison with Phil is extremely graphic, using much more lurid and detailed  slang terminology for the various activities under discussion.

Would you rather that your primary school kids be surfing the CDC website, or listening to Phil? Click on the screen shots below to “enbiggen”, if you dare to compare.  The venerable governmental agency not only makes LIBERAL use of the A  word, and the V word, but also the R word, the C words, the O phrase, the F word and a whole lot more.  The links needed to get to these pages can also be seen at the top of the pics.

This informative nugget from Kevin DuJan had to be located and linked because it is vital to complete the information provided here.  A significant proportion of the gay community aligns with Phil Robertson at least as far as avoiding anal sex. Kevin advances an opinion that it is a “heteronormative” behavior which has been emphasized or pushed upon gay men for reasons of keeping them in a state of dependency.

Phil Robertson CDC Page1
Phil Robertson CDC Page2
Phil Robertson CDC Page3

CDC Page4
Prevention Challenges

Phil Robertson CDC Page5

Phil Painted A&E Into a Corner

Duck  -Roasted Duck Drudge 12-19-13

A&E execs are the losers, that’s for sure. Pharmer thinks their self destruction has been pre-ordained. If it had not been touched off by the G Q interview of Phil’s it would have been his next, or the one after that. He’s going to let A&E do themselves in.
Pharmer would like to congratulate Phil Robertson for getting it done. He has probably been tired of A&E’s management of the show, and the general encroachment of the show on the rest of his time. By this time, Phil and his family could do the kind of shows that they want, better and more efficiently than A&E. The Robertson family is made up of smarter people than the A&E execs, as exemplified by their painting that network into a totally LOSING situation.
After Duck Dynasty, A&E will shrink to nothing, (look at the rest of their programming to see why), and Duck Commander will forge on, bigger than ever.
Incidentally, not all of the gay people are needing or wanting the kind of “defense” that comes from A&E, or the nuts from GLAAD. Plenty of them realize that killing free speech of those who don’t agree with homosexual acts, can eventually lead to their own loss of personal freedom. Social trends and fashions are always in a state of flux. The First Amendment is a good thing for everybody.
Gay adult siding with Phil’s free speech rights.

Duck Storm Drudge 12-19-13Keeping up:
A statement from the Robertson Family regarding the controversy. They can’t imagine filming Duck Dynasty without Phil.
Future Options for Duck Commander Family
Brandon Ambrosino asks why the opposition has to be dismissed rather than engaged.
Truthrevolt coverage ……
and petition
Stand with Phil on Twitter
Facebook Support Page for Phil
Gay adult siding with Phil’s free speech rights.

A & E’s Big Stink Concerning Phil Robertson Proves Leftist’s Comprehension Deficit

The inability of leftists to process language is exemplified by the big stink being raised by activist groups, and the decision by A&E Network to suspend Phil Robertson from the Duck Dynasty Show.

GLAAD and other leftist groups are whining a claim that Phil compared their sexual activities to bestiality.   There is no such comparison.   The statement which they could not understand audibly or in writing, was a listing of various  practices (some of them not even pertaining to sex)  which Christians regard as sinful.

The source of controversy comes from Phil’s interview with GQ Magazine from which these quotes were obtained.

First is a list of sexual practices which Christians are instructed to avoid as sin, with homosexual behavior being part of a broader list.  No comparison is made here.

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.”

If any leftists would like a lesson in how to identify or construct comparative sentences in English, Pharmer can help. (This blog is written by Pharmer only, on the fly, with no editorial assistance.)

Next came the much broader list of behaviors which Christians view as morally wrong and sinful. Note that, as above, that it contains both homosexual and heterosexual mis-behaviors as well as various other forms of sin.

 “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

In all of the available interview material, Pharmer noted that Phil was entirely self consistent to address homosexual behavior only, and avoid any rejection or castigation  of individuals simply because of  homosexual orientation.  Throughout the back and forth, the Robertson patriarch clearly demonstrated higher intelligence and facility with the language than did his critics. He  also demonstrated a greater respect for human rights, and an understanding of his own function within Christianity.

Phil’s followup statement  “I myself am a product of the ’60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock and roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”

The message that we get from the leftist activists and from A&E is that Christians are not to speak their beliefs in public. We directly experience their judgmental and oppressive nature.

A&E has forgotten the reason why millions of people even know they exist, and that reason is Duck Dynasty.  The network execs do not realize that they need the Robertsons more than the Robertsons need them.

Pharmer has no cable television and never viewed anything from A&E before learning of Duck Dynasty.  After that show ceases, there will be no reason to purchase anything else from that network.  It’s likely that several million others feel the same way.  We will be looking forward to future productions from the Duck Commander crew when they have freed themselves from A&E.

There is a need now, more than ever, for Christians to direct  their financial resources towards those entities which tolerate or support their beliefs and  lifestyle choices.