Three Former Clinic Employees from the Abortion/Infanticide Interface

Gosnell’s trial is wrapped up, and now it’s time to move on to deal with the rest of the clinics at which infanticide occurs regularly.

Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics interviewed three former employees of a late term abortion clinic which was still operating at the time this film was made.
Click HERE to view the video, for information about how the babies are killed at a late term abortion clinic.  

Gosnell is not alone.

In this film, the real names of the clinic workers are given, obviously with their permission. The  actual clinic is not named, in order to avoid interfering with a criminal investigation.

Abortion clinic employees life dynamics LTA 5-13

Prayers for total conversion and peace for  these former clinic workers, who are ‘divorcing’ from this industry, and have decided to speak out publicly.

Here’s where any abortion clinic employees can get assistance to bail out of the killing industry. CLICK!! They can choose to exit publicly or as anonymously as they want.

Here’s another approach at the Life Dynamics Clinic Worker Site.

UPDATE  They say everything in Texas is bigger……. abortions too!!

The investigation of this clinic goes way back and  the decision has been made to release the information to the public since criminal investigation has been stalled.  It seems that Texas officials think that there is not enough evidence to pursue action.  Check out some of the pics taken by employees at the clinic to see if you think Texas abortion restrictions have been broken.  Warning, they are extremely disturbing.

Photos of Babies 1 & 2

Three informants, Gigi Aguliar, Deborah Edge and Krystal Rodriguez have supplied evidence and affidavits to the Texas Medical Board and Attorney General Greg Abbott in 2012. They had responded to an Operation Rescue postcard urging clinic workers to report if they suspected illegal activities at their place of employment. The three had been working with Alliance Defending Freedom, And Then Their Were None, and Operation Rescue to submit this info to TX authorities, who, in February 2013, wrote that there was not sufficient evidence to pursue action against abortionist Douglas Karpen and Aaron Women’s Clinic in Houston TX. See video of the interior.

Working around the lamestream media to expose the Kermit Gosnell case is part of what delayed  submission of the abortion atrocities in Houston for public consideration, after authorities refused to take action.  It will only be this exposure that induces the Texas medical board and attorney general to do the right thing.

From Operation Rescue comes the contact information for Texas authorities.  We know that pro-lifers will be supremely courteous as they fill up the email boxes and ring the phones of state officials who balk at enforcing abortion restrictions and regulations.  Please keep  our public servants busy.

Mike Anderson, District Attorney Harris County, Texas
1201 Franklin Street, Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77002-1923
Voice: (713)-755-5800

Greg Abbott, Attorney General of Texas
Office of the Attorney General
PO Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711-2548
Voice: (512) 463-2050

Texas Medical Board
333 Guadalupe
Tower 3, Suite 610
Austin, TX 78701
Voice: (512) 305-7010


Why do Pro-lifers Photograph Ambulances at Abortion Clinics?

If you click the image below, you’ll see a bigger death certificate of a woman killed by abortion by Reginald Sharpe in 2008.

abortion death certificate 2013-04-01_1121

The problem is that the certificate does not really specify the cause of death. Not only that, it refers to Sharpe’s abortion clinic as a BIRTHING CENTER, on the bottom line. It’s easy to see from this one example that no one is getting an accurate count of women who are killed, along with their babies, at abortion clinics.

Now that pro-lifers are using their cell phones to record the ambulance runs to abortion clinics, and using FOIA requests to obtain 911 call transcripts, people can finally begin to understand that abortion is not nearly as safe as has been represented.
This blog is searchable, and will continue to feature some of the ambulance runs. Operation Rescue, Real Choice ,  Abortion Violence, and Jill Stanek’s blog  are good places to find more information on abortion related health hazards.

abortion ambulance run 1 sharpe 3-23-13 Summit Medical Services abortion clinic

This video is taken at the Summit Medical Services where Reginald Sharpe was in attendance on March 23, 2013. Sharpe is a new hire at this clinic, after closing his own clinics in Detroit and Livonia Michigan.   Many more botched abortions can be tracked using this means, and use of 911 records,  than by ferreting out death certificates and sifting through them to reinterpret the inaccurate information.

Sandy Hook Killer, Adam Lanza Kept Score Sheet for Massacres

It won’t help the progress of the government in making the ownership of guns illegal in the U.S…… so this story will not be plastered everywhere by the media.  It’s a surprise that the NY Daily News published it at all.

Adam Lanza had a seven foot by four foot  spreadsheet showing the various mass killings in the U.S., with the number of kills and various details about locations, weapons,  environments, etc.

This report, in 9 point font,  required a special printer to produce, and contained the names of about 500 people.

The Connecticut police seem to view this as a sort of score sheet, and believe that Adam Lanza wanted to place himself at the top of that list, and that he picked the Sandy Hook Elementary school as an easy, target rich environment.

Suicide after the shooting was seen as the gamer’s way to avoid being killed by police, and losing all his points.

Pro-life Grandmother assaulted at Delaware Planned Parenthood



prolife protestor attacked at Delaware planned parenthood

Rae Stabosz reports having her phone taken from her, and being pushed to the ground by an angry woman, while she was protesting in front of Planned Parenthood’s  Wilmington Delaware Clinic, (625 Shipley St.)

She had been filming  the fourth emergency transport of a patient from that facility within the last five weeks, tallied by Operation Rescue.  It seems that the clinic has been having a run of bad luck, though they serve as a training site for budding new abortionists.

Ms. Stabosz, a 63 year old grandmother of 12, reports that she was able to get back up, after being knocked down, go into the clinic and retrieve her phone from the receptionist.

Video of the event and more info is available here. 

Mass Murderers in the Wings: The Mental Health Problem

Lisa Long writes in the Blue Review, predicting that her own son, a kid with serious behavioral problems, could become the next mass murderer.  She sequesters all the sharp objects, and has a rapid escape routine for the rest of her kids to keep them safe from her increasingly violent 13 year old son.  Take the time to read her description of life with a violent and  mentally ill child, for whom adequate treatment and resources do not exist.


St. Petersburg man who had kittens in his freezer roommates with suspects in double shooting, authorities say – Tampa Bay Times

St. Petersburg man who had kittens in his freezer roommates with suspects in double shooting, authorities say – Tampa Bay Times.

Pinellas Co Deputies answered a call to to the Vagabond Mobile Home Park, where they found kittens in the freezer of one  Rodney Blanchard.  Eva Mulder was visiting Blanchard, and when he asked her to get a brew from the freezer, she found the kittens instead.  He would not let her remove them, and instead kicked her out.   She then called the police, who found four flea ridden kittens, each wrapped in a sandwich bag.   The males were still alive, but the female had stopped breathing.  The SPCA took custody of the kittens and an adult cat from Blanchard’s trailer.  He is jailed for animal cruelty and misdemeanor battery.

Chilled Babies at Christ Hospital, Oaklawn Illinois.

From the testimony of Jill Stanek RN to the U.S. Congress

“Last year alone, of the 16 babies that Christ Hospital states were aborted, I am aware of four who were born alive. Each of these babies – two boys and two girls – lived between 1-1/2 and 3 hours. At Christ Hospital one of these babies once lived for almost an entire eight-hour shift. At least two of the second-trimester babies who were aborted last year at Christ Hospital were completely healthy.”

“When I testified before you last July, another nurse who worked at Christ Hospital, Allison Baker, also testified. Allison was not asked back today due to the new limit on the number of witnesses allowed. But last year Allison described walking into the Soiled Utility Room on two separate occasions to find live aborted babies left naked on a scale and the metal counter. She told about the patient that she herself had who didn’t know that her baby might be aborted alive and who did not then want to hold him. After he was taken to the Soiled Utility Room she kept asking, “Is he dead yet? Is he dead yet?” (This testimony is being entered today into the Congressional Record.)”

“Lest you think that Christ Hospital’s live birth abortion practice is uncommon, I am entering into Congressional Record today literature from a March 30, 2001, symposium sponsored by Waukesha Memorial Hospital in Wisconsin that was “reviewed and is acceptable” by the American Academy of Family Physicians, wherein Dr. Washington Hill writes that a “complication” of a mid-trimester labor induction is a “live birth.” The American College of Obstetricians and gynecologists also gave credit hours to physicians for taking this course.”

“After I testified last year, Christ Hospital stopped putting aborted babies to die in the Soiled Utility Room. This past December it unveiled its “Comfort Room.” This is a small, nicely decorated room complete with a First Foto machine in case parents want pictures of their aborted babies, baptismal supplies if parents would like their aborted babies baptized, and a foot printer and baby bracelets if parents would like keepsakes of their aborted babies. There is also a wooden rocker to rock these babies to death. (Pictures entered into Congressional Record.)” -7-12-2001

The practice of allowing premature babies to die of exposure, cold, and neglect was vigorously defended by then State Senator Barack Hussein Obama.  Illinois could not make the following practice illegal (2005) until Obama left the state to serve in the U.S. Senate.  Prior to this, (8/5/2002), President Bush signed the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which had no opposition, even among the abortion supporting Senators and Representatives.

See also  Jill Stanek’s testimony to the Illinois Senate in March of 2001. 

See  Obama’s Record on the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

Sandra Fluke: Time Magazine ‘Person of the Year’ Finalist

TIME Honors Sandra Fluke as ‘Person of the Year’ Finalist.

That thirty-something Georgetown Student who had enough money for the 50,000 per year tuition at her upscale law-school, but who cried for public support of her birth control pills, could be Time Magazine’s person of the year!!

Pharmer might have been more sympathetic had Fluke cried for public support of her valacyclovir,  clindamycin, metronidazole, ceftriaxone, azithromycin, doxycycline, benzathine penicillin, imiquimod, or whatever antiretroviral she might need in the future.  After all, those are used to treat infectious disease states, which she might inadvertently obtain while plying her wares.

Time’s symbol of our times is a whining, useless, dysfunctional female, crying for tax support of her demand for  recreational drugs and devices.

It must be the Year of the Parasite.

Will we also be expected to buy her personal massager, once she becomes so nastaaay that no guy will get near her?

You can cast your vote for or against the parasite of the year right HERE.