Phi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Adds New Line to Eddie Murphy song

They’re REALLY bored at the University of Tennessee. Here’s the latest addition to the compendium of gross medical stories.

Police: Student Suffers Alcohol Poisoning After Frat Hands Out Alcoholic ENEMAS « CBS Atlanta.

That classic Eddie Murphy song has been inspiring trips to hospital emergency rooms since 1982.

Don’t put TeQUILA in the butt
That’s Southern DIS-Comfort in your butt

Phi Kappa Alpha is one sicko Boy’s Club, and it might be booted from University of Tennesee, Knoxville, for sending a student to the ER with alcohol poisoning via the rectal route.

Testosterone is a POISON?

Scientists in Korea claim to have data indicating that the lifespan of Eunuchs was significantly longer than un-altered males in times past. They found unusually numerous reports of centenarians existing among the castrated men centuries ago. They could not attribute the longevity to the rarified existence among the royals of Korea, since the kings and their family members did not share this benefit of long life.

The scientists suggested that testosterone might be the culprit that shortens men’s lives. It’s a POISON! 😉

The comments appended to this speculative article, at the Daily Mail are worth the click!

Scientists find the secret of living life for men (the bad news: Castration is the key) | Mail Online.

Bugs R Us: Birth Control Pills Associated with Increased Staph aureus Colonization

Hormonal contraceptive use and persistent Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage.

In the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases comes a study out of Germany, which finds higher incidence of Staph Aureus colonization in users of birth control pills.
Specifically, Gurls on the pill are 1.88 times more likely to have a positive nasal swab for Staph aureus, than females not taking the pill. The nose is where these bugz like to hide out. It’s warm and wet in there.
Those big sweaty guys are 1.57 times more likely then the demure and natural girls, not taking BC pills, to carry Staph in the nares.

The infectious disease docs think that this extra pool of staph carriers, associated with widespread use of the birth control pills, might significantly increase the reservoir of these bacteria in human populations, and the transmission of these pathogens to vulnerable individuals.

Our probes are pointing towards Sandra Fluke and the bulk users of BC pills at the steamy Georgetown University School of Law. Would they allow sampling from their nasal gardens of bacterial delights?

Birth Controlling the High School Herds in New York City

EXCLUSIVE: New York City high schools giving students morning-after pills and other birth control, without telling parents –

The Department of Education has expanded their “CATCH” Program (which involves giving birth control pills, Plan B and Depo-Provera to girls without parental consent) to 13 New York high schools. Parents can opt out of the program by FINDING a piece of paperwork allowing them to opt out, and signing it. The so-called information telling parents of this form has resulted in only a 1-2 percent response.

Prescriptions for the drugs are supplied by Health Department physicians. This can be obtained by seeing a school nurse, and taking a pregnancy test.
From the NY Post:
“We can’t give out a Tylenol without a doctor’ s order,” said a school staffer. “Why should we give out hormonal preparations with far more serious possible side effects, such as blood clots and hypertension?”

Last year, New York City boasted a 64% abortion rate among 7000 girls under 17 who got pregnant.
Watch and see if this program of giving out pills at high schools has any effect on the statistics.

Pharmer wonders who is the brainiac behind this new “CATCH-bugs” program, which is likely to boost the incidence of STDs in the area, now that girls will have less incentive to abstain or use barriers.

The following schools are listed by the NY Post as participating in the program to pass out birth control hormones to kids without parental consent. Adlai Stevenson and Grace Dodge in The Bronx; Boys and Girls, Clara Barton, W.H. Maxwell Career and Technical Education, Abraham Lincoln and Paul Robeson in Brooklyn; John Adams, Newcomers, Queens Vocational and Technical, and Voyagers in Queens; High School of Fasion Industries in Chelesa, and Port Richmond on Staten Island.
Seward Park Campus in lower Manhattan was dropped from the program because the school medical office couldn’t keep up with the business.

Democrat National Convention: Womanhood is a Disease

You can listen to Kathleen Sebelius lie about  Obamacare, and resell to the dems, something that the majority of Americans do not want.

The most important thing to take away from her speech is the view that WOMANHOOD is a PRE-EXISTING CONDITION.  A pre-existing condition is the insurance term for a DISEASE,  already present, which would not be covered under a new health insurance contract until a grace period had passed. HIPAA  regulations had pretty much removed contractual barrier to health care coverage.

The dem’s plan is focused on treating the biological characteristics of a woman as a disease.    The dems see childbearing as a thing which must be controlled and suppressed with drugs and sterilization for the purpose of cost containment.

See a clip of Sebelius’s speech at the DNC below.   Read the transcript of the speech HERE. 


Says Sebelius:  “Being a mother is no longer a liability, and being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition! That’s what change looks like.”

Unmentioned is that the necessary cost containment which comes with treating womanhood as a disease, is that the government will have control over the expression of said characteristic.

As in China, there will be the need,  for top down administration of your reproductive life.  If the government pays for it, the government will dicatate it, just as it does with everything else it controls.

Obama is rapidly shedding female votes, as more and more of them ponder the prospect of Chinese-style health care for women.  His loss of support in recent polling is almost totally accounted for by the women who are changing their minds.

Don’t for get that Sebelius views woman-hood as a pre-existing condition, which the government must manage.

Freedom isn’t free.  If  reproductive autonomy is worth the price of heath care to you,  Obama is not your man.


Gay therapy ban ready for enacting – Washington Times

Gay therapy ban ready for enacting – Washington Times.

California will likely be banning therapies for children and teens which seek to discourage homosexual orientation. SB 1172 is heading to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk for signing. He can either choose to sign it, veto it, or allow it to take effect without his signature by Sept 30.

When this bill passes in California, sex and gender role changes, as well as surgical changes, to opposite sex will be supported, while being encouraged to align the role to one’s physiology will be prohibited. The economy of that state will suffer additional deterioration as a result.

It remains obvious to health care practitioners that many homosexual practices are physiologically taxing, and cause additional need for health care services. From a biological standpoint, the fact that gay practices do not promote continuation of the species will not go away.

California is ill equipped at this time to support the economic and health care burdens which are imposed by its current, unbalanced approach to issues of human sexuality.

The Government in Your Bedroom -Caleb Bonham Interviews Obama Supporters

Priceless results are produced when O-Bot attendees of the Obama/FLuke campaign stop are asked if the government should stay out of your bedroom. YES! Of course. Then when they are asked why the government should pay for what goes on in the bedroom… Duuuuuuuhhhhhh.

Obama Supporters Inteviewed About Government-Funded Contraception Outside Sandra Fluke Campaign Event | Video |

Mother-of-two Sarah Catt terminated baby within week of due date using medication | Mail Online

Mother-of-two Sarah Catt terminated baby within week of due date using medication | Mail Online.

The above news story exemplifies the use of misoprostil alone in late term abortion.  Misoprostil (Cytotec) is a prostaglandin drug which causes uterine contractions and is used off label to induce labor.

The most common chemical abortion regimen utilizes mifepristone, a selective progestin receptor modulator, followed by misoprostil, to expel the embryo or fetus.

Planned Parenthood employs a regimen in which only a third of the recommended mifepristone is used, along with a large dose of misoprostil.    This is considered sufficiently effective, as the misoprostil will expel the unborn human dead or alive.

The woman in this Daily Mail story is said to have  killed her baby a week before full term, using misoprostil, which she bought online, to expel the baby.  At the time of writing, no one knows the location of the baby’s corpse.