Obama to Planned Parenthood: “You’ve Got A Friend in Me”

Abortion At the Heart of Obamacare
Abortion at the Heart of Obamacare

Obama reassured pro-aborts in his Friday address to Planned Parenthood: “You’ve also got a president who’s going to be right there with you, fighting every step of the way,”

He lauded planned parenthood for their industry of providing birth control and abortions to girls and women, and their TSA method of breast cancer “screenings”. Recall that the organization does NOT provide mammography services.

Unmentioned in his speech are efforts to promote women’s safety and improve abortionists standard of service, the decision to put the morning after pill out on store shelves, and the ongoing murder trial of the infamous abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

You've Got a Friend in Me
You’ve Got a Friend in Me

Breitbart Celebrates -The Leftie Media Catching Up in the Pigford USDA Fraud story.

In 2010, Andrew Breitbart got into a fight with the NAACP, charging them with their very own racism.  He published a video showing an NAACP audience  which had cheered a statement in a speech by Shirley Sherrod  mentioning an initial desire  to refuse to help a white farmer in her capacity as USDA Director of Rural Development in Georgia.  Not withstanding Breitbart’s accompanying  statement that Ms. Sherrod  actually decided that she would render aid to that farmer, the lefties attempted to spin his message against the NAACP attitudes as an attack on Shirley Sherrod. An apparent basis for their spin  is the leftist assumption that their constituency cannot read, and could only take in  the video clip.   This fight grew into a firestorm, and eventually  led to Breitbart’s  investigation into a class action lawsuit of discrimination against Black farmers, from which Sherrod  and her husband had benefited to the tune of $13 million, prior to her being hired by the USDA.

This was the Pigford v. Glickman decision, which morphed into the most bloated civil rights settlement in history.

While an expected 2000 Black farmers who had been thought to suffer discrimination from the USDA’s loan grant policies, the number of applicants for payouts ballooned to 16,000.    In  2008,  Senator Obama sponsored legislation was passed, which  allowed another 70,000 people to qualify for settlements stemming from this original USDA decision.  This latter law allowed Ms. Sherrod the larger $13 million windfall from the government.

The huge numbers of people benefiting from the original Pigford and Glickman payout by the USDA  massively exceeded the total number of Black Farmers in the United States.  Breitbart had uncovered one more government boondoggle paying out billions of dollars to more than double the total 40,000 black farmers in the U.S.  He published a series of articles explaining the government fraud, which was ignored by the mainstream media, except FOX.

Now that the    New York Times has finally caught up to this web of government fraud, and payment of agricultural settlement money to people who were never farmers, Breitbart.com is celebrating today that the lamestream media has finally noticed.  One problem with their own article is the suggestion in the headline, that the story in the New York TImes “Vindicates ” Breitbart. Wrong!………. The headline should indicate instead that the New York Times is finally catching up with Breitbart.
The erroneous idea that the NYT  is the news of record is something which needs to be corrected.
The “Gray Lady” has been exhibiting signs of dementia for years.

Glenn Beck Presents: Bombergate– a Coverup by the Obama Administration

It appears that a former person of interest in the Boston Jihad incident, has been shoved into the mainstream media memory hole.  We are no longer supposed to be concerned with a Saudi national, who was investigated in connection with the bombing at the Boston Marathon.

Glen Beck and The Blaze are yanking Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi back out of obscurity, pointing out that he had quite an interesting file, containing many reasons to be on the no-fly list, and to not be allowed in the U.S. at all.  It seems that he was considered “armed and dangerous” and worthy of deportation for security reasons, and for terrorist related activities.  His entry into the country under a special advisory option raises questions about the ability and interest  of the government to handle issues of national security

Surreptitious alterations in this man’s file as well as a general cover-up have been discovered.

It seems that Janet Napolitano has been caught lying about  the government interest in Alharbi, and she might experience future troubles with a charge of perjury.

Keep your eyes on The Blaze as the Alharbi coverup unravels.

Obama to Raise Funds for Planned Parenthood

Obama will be heading to  a Planned Parenthood Gala (fundraiser) in Washington DC on Thursday of this week.  While the Kermit Gosnell infanticide trial proceeds,  Obama will be bringing in additional dollars for his long time supporter, which is the largest abortion provider in the U.S.Obama refused to comment on the Gosnell situation, giving the excuse that the trial is ongoing.

love at first sight
love at first sight

Update:  Amid all the furor over Kermit Gosnell’s trial for abortion and infanticide atrocities, Obama has opted NOT to give the keynote address at the Planned Parenthood fundraiser, opting to perhaps appear on Friday morning during the event.  Apparently this top  gathering of abortion supporters is a conference.  Its location has been a well kept secret, in order to ward off the pro-life protests.

Getting to know Dzhokhar

Matthew Sheffield of Newsbusters has supplied  a collection of tweets coming from Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s account, celebrating the 2012 victory of Obama over Romney.    Accompanying this is a long list of links showing the leftist media trying to paint the two brothers, who are  blamed for the Boston Jihad, as conservatives.   Should people be supporting news outlets which are habitually wrong?

Watertown Police Chief, Edward Deveau has related  a story of how Dzhokhar’s older brother died :  Cops were in the process of handcuffing Tamerlan when Dzhokhar drove a stolen  SUV at them.  The police were able to dive out of the way, but Tamerlan was run over, and dragged by the  vehicle.

Update: Where did Dzokhar get money?    A few individuals have  claimed that they bought pot from him, so it appears  he got at least some of his income from selling drugs.  There is also mention of  work on the side, repairing cars.

No Comment from White House on #Gosnell Atrocities

Because Obama still thinks infanticide is OK, but he just can’t say it out loud.

Jay Carney had to evade questions regarding the infanticide practice at the Gosnell abortion clinic in Philadelphia.  Reporter Ed Henry connected the big push for “anti-gun” legislation (As Harry Reid calls it) with the idea of regulating abortion clinics to prevent infanticides.   Jay had to dodge this one, saying “I just don’t have a comment that could shed light on this specific case”. 

Outing the Infanticide

It could finally be possible to force the media to acknowledge that Obama is an infanticidal nutcase.


Pharmer harkens back to Memorial Day weekend of 2011, when New York Congressman (D),  Anthony Wiener,  was outed in the conservative blogosphere for showing too much of himself online to very young ladies.   The lamestream media tried its very best to stuff this  revelation back into obscurity, but it was too nasty, hilarious, titillating, or otherwise entertaining to too many people.  The online tsunami of information overcame the leftie press, and the disgraced  Representative Weiner was forced to resign his position.

It could be possible with the juxtaposition of Abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s trial for multiple  infanticides, the memories of Obama vigorously opposing the Born Alive Infants Protection Act of Illinois, and the latest OUTING of Planned Parenthood’s infanticidal agenda, to finally make the low information voters understand that Obama and his pro-abort supporters are off the wall extremists.

Remember what the lefties did to Sarah Palin for refusing to kill her fifth kid, Trig, because he had a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome?  They’re still at it.

Remember what the Dems did to Todd Akin, because he thought that the stress of a violent rape makes a woman infertile?  Recall what they did to Richard Mourdock for suggesting that a new life coming out of the miserable crime of rape could be God’s will?   Who would try to tell Ryan Bomberger, Rebecca Kiessling, and the rest of these people, who were conceived as a result of rape, that they should be killed?  The media, using false pretexts,  beat up two legitimately good political candidates so badly that their own cowardly party disowned them.

Don’t you think it’s time to return the favor to the abortion supporters, and their left wing media, whose war on women has killed  millions? 

Grab some links, write your own stories, spread them in your social media.  Bang the buttons below this post, or copy and  paste it into your email.  HELP YOURSELF!

Let everyone know that Obama and Planned Parenthood are not going to stop with Abortion.  They are out of the closet for infanticide.  

planned parenthood Alisa LaPolt Snow infanticide lobbyist for  Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates

Obama Should have Stayed on the Golf Course

It seems that when Obama gets out in public, it’s not all unicorns, rainbows and fainting fans anymore.   He’s experienced some audience dissatisfaction over the Easter weekend.  At Port of Miami, he gave a speech which received some negative response.   On the following Saturday, Obama appeared with his good buddy Reggie, at  an NCAA final 8 playoff, after some time on the golf course.   He was booed vigorously when the cameras focused on his visage and pasted him up on the monitors.Obama and his date at ncaa games 2013