Does the Church have a Nathan to Stand Up to the Ruling Class?

Pelosi abortion sacred ground
Nancy Pelosi on Trent Frank’s Pain Capable Unborn Child Act. 6-13-13

Crazy Nancy Pelosi has been at it again.  Her latest abominations are  designating abortion and infanticide decisions as sacred ground, and citing her Catholic faith to justify her support of these genocidal practices.  (Watch video HERE.)

The first reading from the Bible at Sunday Mass was 2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13 in which the prophet, Nathan, got in King David’s face about his sinful ingratitude for God’s blessings on him.  David had arranged for the death of one of his generals, Uriah, so that he could take the man’s wife, Bathsheba.

This got your friendly Pharmer thinking about the tremendous vacuum in the leadership of the church regarding the horrid moral performance of our current ruling class.  Nathan was surely risking his head when he addressed King David in this manner”  “Why have you despised the word of the LORD, to do what is evil in his sight? You have smitten Uri’ah the Hittite with the sword, and have taken his wife to be your wife, and have slain him with the sword of the Ammonites.”

Nathan admonishes King David

Is there a Nathan among the church leadership  who is willing  to get up in Pelosi’s face concerning her latest statement about her sacrament of abortion, and using her supposed Catholic background to justify it?  We know that the strong arm of the IRS, with a projected  force of 16,000 new employees, and its AR-15  training program, is daunting.

We do have some courageous pastors, of various denominations, who have directly addressed the transgressions of Nancy Pelosi and  our government, but among the bulk of  Church leadership, the silence has been deafening.

Update:   Fr. Frank Pavone has sent Pelosi a letter  castigating her for referencing her so-called Catholic faith while defending late term abortion  (which, as practiced in the U.S., includes infanticide).

Suppression of Religious Freedom in Obama’s Military

One of the driving forces of a return to the military draft is Obama’s hostility to religious freedom.  The military is the incubator of social experiments, many of which go against the teachings of most major religions.   The increasing incidence of rape in the armed forces, some of which is male on male, indicates the pathology of leftist social policy.  The speech and freedom of conscience of those who do not agree with these kinds of behaviors is being suppressed.  Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel has not shown a tolerance for the freedom of religious expression in the military, and apparently Mikey Weinstein of the “Military Religious Freedom Foundation” has his ear.  Weinstein’s agenda involves anything but religious freedom, with his least favorite denominations being the evangelical Christians.

A major reason for women to avoid service in the Obama military is the threat of rape by fellow military personnel.  Another reason is the pressure to abort in the event of pregnancy.  A third is the disrespect for the right of conscience.

Likewise, men who enter Obama’s very weird military are under similar threats minus the adverse effects that pregnancy could have on their careers.

Currently on tap is an expected Veto from Obama of the Military Defense Authorization Act of 2014, if it contains the amendment by Rep. John Fleming, protecting religious speech of service members.

Part of What’s Wrong with New York is that the Catholic Archdiocese Pays for Birth Control

As U.S. Catholics realize,  their bishops forgot about the birth control and abortion issues for a long time.  The instructional vacuum has hastened the social decline of the U.S.  About halfway through the last decade, under pressure from the Vatican, the bishops started notice that the richest nation in the world also had one of the highest abortion rates.  Another kick an the pants has jolted them to start paying attention to their birth control problem, which contributes to their abortion problem.

The New York Times noted yesterday that NYC’s Archdiocese, had been paying for birth control beginning prior to the time that  the man-who-could-not-be-Pope  took leadership.

We note that NYC also has an abortion rate higher than the rest of the U.S., and rivaling that of China and Russia.  New York City’s own media calls it the “Abortion Capital of America”.

Christians May Not Join the U.S. Military

A new military policy threatens court martial to any service member who spreads their faith or shares it with other service members.  Under discussion is that this policy will also apply to military chaplains, rendering their presence completely moot.

For the time being,  Christians and those of any other evangelical faiths need to avoid signing up to serve in the military.

This egregious violation of civil rights will need to be addressed in the courts.   Meanwhile, the United States is left with diminished defense.

An Islam-Adherent Surgery Center in Chicago

Dr. Naser Rustom wants to build an outpatient  surgical facility in Chicago, which caters to the religious sensibilities of Muslims.  He intends to include general surgery, gastroenterology and pain management specialties within his facility.

This is an idea whose time has come.   Your friendly Pharmer would like to see a whole Muslim friendly Hospital spring up in the U.S.


The Government would be afraid to mess with the Muslims or try to force the institution and its practitioners to do things which violate the religious beliefs.

This might help set a new precedent for allowing religious freedom in general.  The Muslims are leading the way in conscientious objection to abortion in Europe.  They might do the same kind of thing here.

The question of the day is……… will a Muslim friendly health care institution find a cost effective substitute for the pork filled injections of heparin?


Boston College Wants to Discipline Students for Handing out Condoms

Administrators at Jesuit-run Boston College have sent out warnings of possible disciplinary action to students who have been passing out free condoms on campus.

Students have established so called “safe sites” on campus for distributing the prophylactic devices for males and females.  As readers know,  condoms and the premarital free for all is against Catholic teaching.  While the  administrators are not spying in individual dorm rooms for condoms and sex, they object to the public distribution at their institution.

One might expect that students who desired to attend a Catholic institution might have some respect for the religious sensibilities and teachings, even if they do not fully concur.  But we have learned, from Sandra (the riveted) Fluke that some students attend these institutions for the purpose of tearing them down.   The condom distribution is said to have been occurring since 2009.  Perhaps the practice has become extremely overt, or perhaps an administrator finally mustered the courage to address the issue.

A Washington DC group,  “Advocates for Youth, is donating $400 each semester for condom distribution at Boston College according to the Boston Globe.

It appears that the local ACLU is ready to jump into the fray.  Perhaps this would not be so bad.  If the Jesuits lose this argument in the legal arena, it might be a step towards smaller government.

If the ACLU can establish that penalties against  handing out condoms in public at a religious educational institution, are unconstitutional  then we can establish that laws against smoking in public are likewise unconstitutional.  Remember…. condoms don’t stop the spread of HPV (genital warts), etc.  In fact, new STI cases VASTLY outpace  than new jobs AND  new graduates in the United States, with an estimated 19.7 million new infections in 2008, says the CDC. This costs the nation $16 billion in direct health care costs per year.   On these bases ‘Nanny’ Bloomberg and Michelle Obama would have to shut down their obsessive-compulsive meddling.

Boston College need not “discipline” the students for their undiplomatic and discourteous treatment of their educational institution and its traditions.   Instead, the students  could be “praised” online with video and verse, and in letters of recommendation, for their very public “concern” for  the sexual health and availability of their fellow students.  Particular attention could be paid to the students who pass out condoms in front of the church.  That information would remain as searchable as the facebooks, resume, and other activities of the students, and help to  track them into appropriate career paths.  😉

“BUGS ‘R’ US”, says the CDC.


Legitimate Reason to Leave the Catholic Church ??

Magdi Allam made international news when he converted from his Muslim faith to Catholicism on Easter, 2008, at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, with Pope Benedict XVI officiating.

Allam now says that he is leaving Catholicism, but will always remain a Christian.  He is upset that the Catholic Church has stood by for the “Islamization” of Europe, which he sees as an affront to Western civilization, and the “fundamental rights of the person”.   He points to the persecution of Christians in the Muslim countries, and  explains that a practice of appeasement will not be effective in stopping the maltreatment.

“I am convinced,” Allam stated, “that Islam is an ideology inherently violent as it has been historically conflictual inside and warlike outside.”

Pharmer does not see all Muslims as being cut from the same cloth, though Allam is certainly correct about the more extreme Islamic groups.  The main difficulty with Islam occurs when it is practiced as a political system, rather than as a religion.  There are those who hold that Islam is inherently a political system.

There are some additional forces driving people from the Catholic Church.  In the U.S.  the Church has been very weak in speaking up for the rights of the unborn, the elderly and disabled, preferring to sell them out for government funding of their charitable and educational interests.   The U.S. Catholic church has also seen fit to place charitable functions and health care into the hands of a very corrupt government.   After doing this, the Bishops then feigned surprise that abortion, birth control coercion, and IPAB death panels were a part of the government health care plan, brought by the most pro-abortion/infanticide president in history.

Yours truly thinks it is plausible that the Catholic leadership in the U.S. knew what was coming all along.  It is observed that the nominally Catholic lawmakers who pushed this abortive health care agenda are still able to publicly partake in the Eucharist.  This serves as an indication that Obamacare, and all the death and destruction it is bringing our way, might  have  been pre-approved by the church leadership in America.

Does it make sense, with this in mind, to follow the example of Magdi Allam?   Pharmer is not taking such a step.   Perhaps it makes more sense to stick with the ideals of the Catholic religion as an ethical system apart from so many current clergy and leaders who not taking it seriously.

Perhaps it also makes more sense to abstain from the Eucharist in the place of Biden, Pelosi, et al, and do penance for having allowed them to govern us.  


Pope Francisco: Correction for the New York Times

coming from Mary Anastasia O’Grady of the Wall Street Journal.  The New York Times implies some complicity between Pope Francisco and the military dictatorship  in the  “Dirty War” of Argentina, largely by leaving out vital information.

It is similar garbage to that of the lefties tying Pope Pius XII to the NAZIs, after he helped 800,000 or more people get away from Hitler.   The New York Times contains too much misinformation to be regarded as a serious news source.

So just trot over to the WSJ  and learn that the Pope is getting smeared by the lefties at home, as he is by the lefties in the United States.  Apparently they’re  displeased by his social conservatism.  The commie pinko marxists  aren’t happy with him in Argentina, because he’s not toeing their line either.

The lefties are micturating lava.  That’s a big PLUS sign for Pope Francisco.