Rob Portman: Plastic Elastic Ethics

Suddenly something which is wrong becomes right if you think it might make your kid happy.

Rob Portman has reversed himself on the issue of gay marriage because his son has come out as gay.  This had been in the background as a possible reason that Mitt Romney did not choose Portman as vice presidential candidate.

More likely, Romney felt that he had no prayer unless he threw a bone to the Tea Partiers by choosing a more conservative person to run with him.

Rob Portman’s reversal has more to do with the politician’s instinct to appease, compromise and get along.   Certainly it will not do his son any good.    Kids don’t really need their parents to shift and change with whatever new lifestyle the kids choose to take on.  The kids would benefit more from knowing that parents have firm and strong moral beliefs that don’t change with the latest behavioral eruption, and that the love from their parents is constant, despite the disagreements.    Love and agreement are not the same thing.

Portman reveals himself to be just another person who doesn’t know that marriage is a social structure for the purpose of protecting  children.  We could perhaps help him by reminding him of how babies are made, in case he forgot.  Or we could  point him to Homovox,  or to David Mainwaring so that he could understand governmental manipulation, and social problems that accompany the push for gay marriage.

RNC Chair Reince Priebus: Feeling the Loss of the Conservative Base?

RNC Chair Reince Priebus: GOP’s Problem Is the ‘Biologically Stupid Things That People Say’ |

Priebus appears to be trying to win back the social conservatives, after abandoning them in the 2012 election.   Now he says that there is nothing that needs changing in the republican platform, but he still is dumping on the two candidates that his ‘administration’ threw under the bus in 2012.

Is Priebus feeling the loss?    Have a lot of other people left the republican party after Mourdock and Akin were dumped by them in the 2012 election?  Did they finally figure out that millions of conservatives stayed home last November, and that more of us are contemplating it this time?

Mourdock said absolutely nothing wrong in his interview.  There were no biological errors.  Some people believe in a less personal Deity, or would split theological hairs between the term “intend” and “allow”, but that is not an issue of biology.  It should be permissible for a candidate to speak his religious beliefs.

Akin ‘hyperbolized’  the idea that stress could adversely  affect fertility, but it remains essentially correct that pregnancy from rape only accounts for a tiny portion of abortions done in the U.S.

Neither candidate should have been abandoned for their statements, but Priebus and the republican elites threw these two under the bus at the behest of the leftist media.

Your friendly Pharmer would send money, again, to either man if they ran for office. Congratulations to  both Mourdock and Akin  for sticking by the MAJORITY of women who would not have an abortion if they became pregnant from rape, because they believe in the sacredness of life.  Society has basically abandoned them, by expecting women who have been raped to kill their babies.

Republican leadership has been selling true conservatives out for years.  It appears that Priebus wants to throw a tiny bone at those of us who have left them.  After so many betrayals, this is not going to be effective.

Lefties Are At It Again: Claiming Without Proof that Rape Is An Efficient Means of Reproduction

The  leftie press is cooking another republican, this time, Celeste Greig, president of the California Republican Assembly.  She stated that the she thought pregnancies from rape are rare, due to the violence of the act, and the “body is traumatized”, while at the same time criticizing Akin for using the wrong word about rape.

Like Pavlov’s dogs, the Republican party will hear the bell rung by the leftist media, as dinner is served, and immediately begin salivating and eating their own.  This time, the entree is  a smaller portion: a little female politician but look for them to devour her just the same.

The media knows they totally HAVE the republican party on this, and they know how to keep the republicans gnoshing on their  own people, and driving the rest of us away from the party in disgust at the cannibalism.   Dems would be crazy not to keep doing what works.

There is no definitive conclusion on the rate of pregnancy resulting from rape, because there is  no systematic retrospective study. The idea that stress and trauma decrease fertility has come from physicians who noted that in the old days (prior to legalized abortion on demand) they did not encounter very many pregnancies from rape, and sought to explain why. Meanwhile, some leftists have tried to claim that rape actually is associated with greater fertility. At the same time, these people buy into all sorts of alternative medicine, stress relieving regimens in order to gain health. Is rape a stress reliever to them, that increases physiological efficiency?

Why it has suddenly become a sin to repeat an idea which seems to fit with so much of the rest of medicine, telling us to reduce stress in our lives in order to achieve health and optimum bodily function?

Why have the republicans adopted the practice of eating their own, at the behest of the leftists?

Yours truly is not impressed nor cowed by shrieking lefties who put all sorts of unstated ideas into the mouths of those who think that sex from violent rape is not a very efficient means of reproduction.
Your friendly Pharmer is  even less impressed by the entire body of leftists which supports planned parenthood and its concealment of child sex abuse, incest and rape, as well as its support for pimps managing their sex-slaves. Yes, you can find the successful lawsuits, the audio recordings, and the videos online. The abortionists been observed in their own habitat…. with hidden cameras, in a manner harking back to the work of Jane Goodall and her primates.

Not so far from now, when we’re in the same unsustainable, population decline as Russia and Japan, we can look forward to a dementedly unethical, leftist clinician designing a prospective study of the influence of rape on pregnancy rate.

Day Gardner Slams Cecile Richards for Murderous Racism

Spotted at Jill Stanek’s is an amazing video put out by pro-life leader Day Gardner, of the National Black Prolife Union. Be sure to check out the video on Youtube before they take it down. Ms. Gardner is NOT fooling around- she means business!!

Day Gardner SLAMS Cecile Richards for supporting racist eugenics

Pharmer used to think Richard Nixon was pretty much a boyscout compared to Clinton and Obama, until finding out that he supported abortion. Some of his reasons why (appearing on his famous tapes)  have made him much more unattractive than before.

Some Prominent Republicans are Outing Themselves on Gay Marriage

Obama’s death panel has relegated the Republican party to palliative care, and here’s one more reason why we should not attempt to intervene in the decision.

Eighty, so-called prominent republicans have signed an opinion that there is a constitutional right to gay marriage.  They have OUTED their complete ignorance of the Constitution.  Going over the names, few should be seen as a surprise.  If you care to check the list, click HERE. 

People need to get over the idea that any marriage at all is a constitutional right.  The U.S. constitution is silent on the issue of marriage and leaves it up to the people to decide how it is to be recognized socially.

Human rights are possessed by an individual, and they end where another begins.  All marriages are done with permission, coming from each partner.

There is also no human right to sex, for the same reason, as it impinges upon another person, and therefore requires permission.

Marriage ought to be handled by the religious organizations.  It originated with these groups as protection for the rearing of progeny.  The social recognition of marriage has served the purpose of stabilizing the environment for children to reach adulthood safely.

So many people have lost sight of the original reasons for local government impingement upon marriage, and are now using it as the vehicle for granting government mandated benefits.   Initially this applied to couples with children, but it has vastly expanded with the bloating of government.     In the military it has recently been decreed that unmarried  same sex partners of military personnel are eligible for certain benefits, but opposite sex partners are not, (even though the military chaplains may officiate same sex marriages).

Pharmer proposes that the government remove itself from the marriage business entirely.  Its various and self contradictory interventions have left a complete mess, which has nothing to do with the protection of children, or with committed relationships between people.

Let the churches handle marriage for those who respect it as a sacrament before God, and a commitment between each other, and to protect  resultant children.     Let the rest of the people who want to play house, draw up their own legal contracts and sign them with their lawyers present.

Obama Vetos Himself on Sequestration

Obama and cronies invented this sequester, and he threatened to veto any bill which interrupted the automatic reductions in planned spending.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Already, some in Congress are trying to undo these automatic spending cuts. My message to them is simple: No. I will veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one. We need to keep the pressure up to compromise – not turn off the pressure”
Obama signed the Sequester bill on August 2, 2011, and this LAW started cutting in 2012.  It scheduled  additional reductions  (totalling 1.2 trillion) yearly over 10 years, with $85 billion in reduction planned for 2013. The president has a great deal of discretion in determining where the cuts will be.

Now Obama has turned against this plan that he originated way back in 2011, and is blaming it on the Republicans.

Sequestration amounts to about $85 billion reduction in the spending increase slated for this year. One half of that is for the defense dept. It means that spending for the affected areas will only go up about 6-8 percent instead of going up 8-10 percent as baseline budgeting dictates.

To put this 85 billion sequestration for 2013 in perspective:

The government spends $3.5 trillion per year.

The government spent $50 billion on Tropical Storm Sandy relief.

The government spent $30 billion on extension of unemployment.

There is an estimated 44 billion in improper medicare payments yearly.

The federal reserve  prints $85 billion per MONTH and props up Wall Street with it.

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad Tells Karl Rove to Stay Out

Iowa Gov. Branstad to Rove: ‘Stay Out’.

Karl Rove, who is currently at war with the conservatives of the Tea Party, and who has been instrumental in the defeat of a number of Tea Party backed candidates, has been asked to keep his super PAC out of Iowa.

Governor Terry Branstad told Rove that it is not smart for groups from outside Iowa to be attacking candidates in that state.

Rove has been attacking Representative Steve King, who is in the running for the Senate seat being vacated by Tom Harkin.    Since he is a conservative, Rove’s PAC has been smearing him, and accusing him of having the “Todd Akin problem”, and that everything he has ever said is going to be hung around his neck.

Yes, the Republican establishment is wanting to eat the conservatives.   We have no place in that party.

Thanks to Gov. Branstad for having the sense to tell Rove to get lost.

In another sign of the Times,  the California Republican party has put Ben Shapiro in a keynote speaking position formerly to be filled by Rove, supposedly due to a scheduling conflict.  Perhaps this is an attempt to throw an olive branch to conservatives.

Pharmer believes that the Republican party is too far gone, and that much more pain, and a great deal of shrinkage,  is to befall Americans before there is a return to constitutional and conservative principles.


The Next Republican Loser, Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush: I Would Govern Like Lyndon Johnson as President.

The republicans defunded Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock WHY?????

According to the Miami Herald,  the republicans’ next loser, Jeb Bush, has mentioned that he would imitate the style of Lyndon Johnson as president.

It doesn’t even matter that Jeb was talking about a style of dealing with the legislative branch.  He should not have mentioned imitating LBJ in public!.

Even LBJ knew he was no good………. and did not try to run for office a second time.  he was a notoriously corrupt politician on a number of levels, in addition to being a tax and spend leftist.

One of Jeb’s major problems is that he thinks that caving on illegal immigration will somehow make Hispanic voters love republicans more.   If that were the case, the dems would not be suggesting that republicans take this path.

Instead, the new immigrants are to intended form the next  underclass of dependent voters to support Democrats.  This is why there are directions on immigration websites and ads everywhere, directing  immigrants  to welfare assistance.

The biggest unfairness of amnesty for illegals is to the immigrants who bothered to follow the law, and obtain their residency or citizenship by legitimate means.

Pharmer’s 2012 decision to leave the republican party is being repeatedly validated.

Media is Out of the Closet, and ‘Fact Checking’ is Fantasy

Is CBS News your trusted news source? Pharmer sees no reason to obtain information from any mainstream television source. John Dickerson is called Slate’s chief political correspondent, but he is also the Political Director at CBS News. He’s been caught telling us just how he feels about the Republican party.

Dickerson thinks that Obama needs to destroy the republican party in order to prevail.  This is in keeping with his old habit, dating back to Illinois politics,  of eliminating, rather than beating political opponents.

Dickerson says that Obama needs to “pulverize”. If he wants to transform American politics, he needs to go for the throat”. 

Do you see a reason why the republicans should be striving for approval from CBS or any of the other alphabet networks??

John Nolte, at Breitbart thinks that the media, having come out so blatantly as sycophants of Obama, will wear out their welcome into the televisions and computers of the American public, and eventually go belly up.

On to the FUN story of the week.  Politifact has mud on its face slung by Reuters announcement that Fiat, which bought Chrysler will be making a hundred thousand Jeeps in China by 2014  They’ll be working with Guangzhou Auto Group to become big players in the auto industry.

What was the biggest lie of 2012 according to Politifact??  It was Romney’s campaign ad, which picked up early on this news and ran with it.   Politifact refuted the ad as a lie, and  blamed the story on a conservative blogger.

The Romney ad claim, which Politifact  called the biggest lie of the year, is actually the  literal TRUTH!


County By County Election Map of Last 100 Years | Video |

County By County Election Map of Last 100 Years | Video |

People really do lose their minds, thinking that each election indicates a new “permanent” condition. Check out this vid, linked HERE at the Blaze, showing the drastically changing election maps over the years.

Don’t worry, be happy…….. practice preventative health measures, get a real religion, get your state to nullify obamacare.

Did you ever think think those liberation and social justice theologists could have been so machiavellian as to tout Obamacare as a panacea for the “unwashed masses”???
Natural selection……