Peggy Noonan Warns Tea Party Away From ‘Rage’ In Political Style on CBS’ ‘Face The Nation’ | Video |

Sez Peggy:

“I think the Tea Party is going to have to look at itself,” Noonan said. “It’s been so helpful to the Republican Party in the past. It saved it by not going third party in 2010, helping the Republicans sweep the House. But the Tea Party style of rage is not one that wins over converts and makes people lean towards them and say, ‘I want to listen to you.’ I think a friendly persuasion has to begin now from the Republican Party to people of the United States.”

via Peggy Noonan Warns Tea Party Away From ‘Rage’ In Political Style on CBS’ ‘Face The Nation’ | Video |

So… Pharmer wrote back to Peggy:

Ms. Noonan,

With your latest comment on Tea Party “rage” you remain a bipedal argument for a third party.

The Tea Party began as the most orderly, well behaved protest movement in history.  It remains so today as a fastidiously law-abiding grass roots political movement, yet it is constantly dissed by the establishment republicans, who are more concerned with their own positions in Washington DC, than for the U.S. itself.

The rest of us are not insulated from the ill effects of the Obama administration. We can’t hide money offshore, or leave the country in case of disaster, as the sell-outs in Washington can.

Perhaps you’re upset that some of the more conscientious Tea Party members could not stomach another moderate, and quietly stayed home on Nov. 6th. I left the republican party after they threw Akin and Mourdock under the bus, though I did vote to remove Obama. Democrats don’t publicly eat their own as republicans do.

A third party will form when the republicans further turn themselves into democrats in order to pretend that they “care” for people. After the Chinese credit runs out, neither old party will be able to entice voters with government checks.

According to Gallup, immigration is NOT topmost on the list of issues for Hispanic voters. So having the republicans satisfy the democrat need for more voter base will not do any good.  Remember, Reagan tried it, and it didn’t help.

A government that actually “cared” for people would get out of the way and let them prosper.

Look for that third party that you’re helping to form.  Democrats seem to prevail with their rage, lawlessness and general trashy behavior. Maybe a little rage would help the Tea Party ;-). 

Rising number of states seeing one-party rule – Washington Times

Rising number of states seeing one-party rule – Washington Times.

The Dems now have veto-proof majorities in California and Illinois. Expect those two states to die. Develop an escape plan.

One party rule has become dominant in the states, whether it is Republican or Democrat. There are only 12 states with divided government. Republicans still hold most of the one party states, with 23, and the Dems now hold 14, having picked up 8. Republicans picked up 2. Interestingly, the Republicans picked up the Wisconsin senate. With that news, Pharmer now has some work to do in Wisconsin. Republicans also picked up Arkansas and really own the Old South, with 11 states. They added one governorship, for a total of 30 to the dems 20.

Pharmer isn’t so worried about one party rule in the case of republicans That really isn’t one party rule anymore, as that group itself is going to discover over time.

Alfonzo Rachel: “Told You So”

Pharmer doesn’t mind this “I Told You So”, from ZO since she concurred with his preference of Herman Cain to Mitt Romney.

The republicans are always letting the left choose their candidates, and accepting the resultant losses.

Problems for the Republican National Commitee?

Maybe the RNC should read this. One leftie theory is that Pharmer is not the only one who left the republican party in 2012. If things were anywhere near the way they had gone in the past, a double digit lead among independents, with the first digit being usually a 2, would have made Romney the winner. Understand that the leftie media does not want to recognize that the tea party exists, so they will continue to use the term “independents” to describe them.

“State polls showed Romney winning big among independents. Historically, any candidate polling that well among independents wins. But as it turned out, many of those independents were former Republicans who now self-identify as independents. The state polls weren’t oversampling Democrats and undersampling Republicans – there just weren’t as many Republicans this time because they were calling themselves independents.”

via Adviser: Romney
"shellshocked" by loss – CBS News

As is apparent, Romney fell shy of McCain’s vote number by about 3 million, and Obama missed his 2008 mark by 10 million.
Who stayed home? Pharmer will watch for the number crunchers to churn out their results and guesses. She’s already aware that some were so angry at the republicans for choosing another moderate that they refused to participate in the presidential election.
The storms probably bit into Obama’s numbers since they affected blue states, which are ill prepared for such eventualities. This of course would not affect their electoral outcome.

Wild Bill is calling the Church People and Tea Partiers to action. Pharmer likes his utterly blunt style.

Jill Stanek: Karl Rove, fair weather friend

Karl Rove, fair weather friend. <-Click it, read it, pass it on. This synopsis is a quick and very important read, which validates Pharmer's notion that Karl Rove has never been a friend of conservatives or pro-lifers. You'll learn of Rove's connection to the Todd Akin and the Susan Komen Foundation vs. planned parenthood issues.

While the tea-party does the slow work of transforming the nation, pro-lifers will have to support Romney, though his record on life issues is spotty, just to get Obama-the-Extremist out. Absent a massive conversion on Mitt’s part, conservatives should still be casting about for his replacement, and be able to supply a strong primary opponent in 2016, or a third party opponent, depending on the response of the republican establishment.

The Tea-Party needs to repeatedly demonstrate to the Rove- RINO’s that they are no longer needed. One effective means of accomplishing this is helping Todd Akin beat Claire McCaskill. This is worthwhile for every member of the grass roots, whether or not they are big on the abortion issue itself. The republican establishment has been dissing the Tea-Party since the beginning, and we need to show them who’s boss. All of us would benefit from the retirement of Karl Rove and his ilk.

Clint Eastwood and the Empty Chair

If talking to empty chairs is bad, Obama needs to start holding rallies in broom closets | The Daily Caller.

Everyone’s talking about Clint Eastwood’s surprise comedy routine at the Republican convention last night.
The first thing that came to Pharmer’s mind, looking at that chair,  was the  Sedevacantists (the Catholic group which believes that the chair of the Pope has been empty since Pope Pius XII). Perhaps Clint is a political Sedevacantist.
It’s not unreasonable to believe  that the chair of the U.S. president has been empty since Bush left. The judgment that such an occupant should have is certainly absent.

Clint Eastwood appears to have upset  mmm mmm mmm,  Barack Hussein Obama, who responded with a tweet:  “This seat’s taken”, and a rear view of his seated highness,  which you can see  HERE.


Freedom Works: We Now Have to Monitor the RNC

Freedom works, a most prominent organizing body of the Tea Party summarizes the dis-unifying hubbub concerning the election and handling of delegates to the Republican convention. This has extreme significance for the grass roots of the party to bring up candidates for election and to affect the party platform.
As of this convention, the Republican Party has, through rules changes, made itself more of a top down party like the Democrats, instead of one which has to listen to the grass roots.
In very brief, The RNC anointed presidential candidate will be able to choose delegates from the states (thus eliminating dissenters such as the Ron-Paulians or those who continued to support Santorum or Gingrich). It also changed a rule which now allows the RNC to change party rules between conventions when no one is looking. (Now Freedom Works will be looking, so pay attention to them.) This will suppress the grass roots influence on what is contained in the Republican platform. Expect the social issues to disappear unless the RNC becomes afraid of a third party split.

The best description of the events at the convention is below. Click it. Please email that link or this article.

Romney's "RNC Power Grab": What Really Happened | FreedomWorks.

The very upset Ron-Paulians put out their own video <--(click to view it) to express their displeasure. You'll hear audio of a voice vote which was ignored and suppressed by John Boehner at the convention. Below is “teleprompter” imagery of the PRE-ORDAINED nature of the conclusion., found at Freedom Works.

We have to first get Obama out, then we have to go to work on the Republican national committee. If the Tea Party successfully brings up their own candidates as independents in the state elections, room for the grass roots might be recreated within the Republican party, or perhaps a third party will form. Todd Akin is effectively an independent after the RNC cut all funding. Electing him is a good opportunity for the conservatives to show the RNC that it is no longer a vital part of the political process.


Pharmer thought it was odd for Biden to go  to Tampa during the Republican convention, since he’s not able to draw crowds even when there’s no other competing political event.

Ulsterman  thinks that Biden is being sent to Tampa in order to stir up trouble and upstage the event.   That’s not implausible considering  the nuts running the Obama campaign.



Republicans Push Todd Akins Out After His “Legitimate Rape” Comment.

Todd Akins used the word “legitimate” to describe the kind of rape which is easily identifiable as such, due to violence and trauma. For this reason, he is being told to leave the Missouri senate race, after having won the primary. There was a time when rape was rape, and rarely were adjectives applied. This was before Western women became so amenable to sex with strangers, before children in primary schools were being groomed for underage sex activity, and before all the new shades of gray. Probably Akin should have said “violent rape” but his off-teleprompter choice of words has been declared an unforgivable sin.

The establishment Republicans are too stupid to save America, and therefore should be replaced.

They’re so fearful about the feigned outrage of leftists about a statement that the physiological stress from a violent rape act is not conducive to pregnancy. The same Republicans are not offended by the infanticidal president, who vigorously opposed the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which could not be passed until he left the state legislature. Obama thinks it’s fine for babies to be killed after they are born, and the vast majority of people think it’s “legitimate” for this kind of nut job to be president. Pharmer wants no more association with the morally bankrupt Republicans who have acceded to this thinking.

Those who think it makes sense to offer a woman abortion after a pregnancy after rape, should avail themselves of the various studies showing a very strong association of abortion and increased rate of suicide. Given the present data, it is malpractice to encourage abortion to treat a woman who has already been traumatized by rape.

Tea Partiers need to wake up and actively oppose the alliance of the RNC with the leftists on this matter. Please don’t waste your political contributions on the wimps of the RNC. Support only worthwhile conservatives.