Chase orders Southlake bank to remove Christmas tree | Northeast Tarrant | News from For….
An order from headquarters forced a local bank to remove a DONATED Christmas tree, because some people were offended. Perhaps this corporation is adhering to new rules associated with the bank bailout which they accepted. (Yes this is a taxpayer supported business.)
Do you think a boycott by those offended by the impoliteness and hostility of JP Morgan Chase would help??? After all, a business which needs bailout money is probably already unhealthy and maybe natural selection needs to run its course.
Meanwhile, McDermott and the Dems are invoking the spirit of Christmas in order to trash Republicans for not extending the unemployment benefits. Current law states that new expenditures are to paid for, but the Dems were not willing to use the unspent TARP slush funds to fund their new spending proposal, as the Republicans proposed.