Fr. John Hollowell Speaks to Cecile Richards

Something has Fr. John Hollowell, an articulate Catholic priest and educator, ready to do battle.

Could it be Satan?
It’s Cecile Richards, president of planned unparenthood.

Fr. Hollowell’s video stands on its own, but you can see Cecile’s video “I Have a Say” in which she extolls the Obama mandate forcing insurance companies to provide birth control/ abortion / sterilization right HERE
Ms. Richards is fast and loose with the fabricated statistics on birth control use. She falsely identifies congressional hearings on the constitutionality of the HHS mandate, as a hearing on “contraception”. A female, wanting to testify about what she thinks is contraception, was not admitted to the first hearing because she was off topic. Even the Politico noticed that the complaint of women not having a say in the hearings was false.

3 thoughts on “Fr. John Hollowell Speaks to Cecile Richards

  1. 1) If this Catholic priest thinks that using contraception is against the teachings of the church and he actually says that birth control is a form of abortion, what does that make the 98% of people using birth control – many of them obviously Catholics since that is a big number – what does that make them? Hypocrites. In fact, to any one of you who are passing this on this link – if you have used birth control – you have no business passing this on…..

    2) I have a hard time taking this kind of advice from a man who has never had sex nor has he ever had to worry that his girlfriend or wife is pregnant….Nor has he ever had to worry how he will feed all the children who have resulted in him not using birth control.

    3) Birth control is one of the top reasons that women can be equal – if there was no birth control, unprotected sex even in marriage, wouldd result in children – meaning that women (for the most part) are destined to stay at home caring for multiple children rather than being out in the world contributing to the world. Also, no birth control means that a woman could conceivably be pregnant every year until she reaches menopause. Does this sound like a life to you? Because it doesn't to me.

    4) We need to move into the 21st century here on this issue. We already cannot feed or house the people that already exist on this planet. We don't need more people who are the result of not using birth control, we need to take better care of the ones we have. Birth control exists. That genie is not going back in the bottle…

    Instead of continuing to expound on old religious rhetoric that has lost its relevance, we should be going forward in love and thinking about how we can all live together in a meaningful way today.

    1. Addressing Jillian by the numbers:

      1) Most people are still not aware of the pharmacology of the hormonal birth control. Your people have been lying to them about it, ACOG redefined pregnancy as occurring a week or so after human life begins, and the pharmacology info about pills has been removed from many of the patient information inserts. Your public schools have not taught what \”implantation\” means. Therefore you are writing lies about the hypocrisy of others. As women discover the health liabilities and the mechanism of hormonal birth control, they tend to leave it behind. Religious people will be learning about birth control as this issue passes through the news and it\’s not going to help sales. Thank you.

      2) You only accept and adore the men who are pro-abortion. It\’s a variant of Stockholm syndrome. Having sex does not qualify a man to understand the mechanisms and liabilities of hormonal birth control, even if he has it with you. Your anatomy does not carry the information in braille.

      3) You should have read on my blog what Mahatma Gandhi had to say about birth control, and how men should treat their wives. It\’s an eye opener.

      4) The earth has a distribution problem, not a population problem. The filthiest places, with the most human and environmental misery are those run by leftist dictators and in the U.S., the blue cities and states.

      5) The current political subject is whether or not YOUR KIND of women can provide their own birth control, or if you are so incompetent that you need men and other women to fund it. Sandra Fluke\’s postulation was that the ladies at the $48,000 dollar a year law school are not sufficiently competent to provide for their own birth control. Eugenicists have previously suggested forced sterilization for those unable to care for themselves, but that\’s NOT my cup of tea.

    2. What is missing in all of your arguments is that have no place for God and his plan for each of us. When did God become irrelevant? It is possible to feed and house many times the people we have now and yes that is on each of us, myself included , to help make that happen. Natural Family Planning is a proven and safe method ( and more reliable when practiced correctly ) than the any other form, except abstinence. The divorce rate for couples who attend church together, pray together and use NFP is @1 in 2500 as opposed to 1 in 2 for those who do not. Look, I am not saying any of this is easy to accept, but all we have to do is turn to God for our needs. As he says in Matthew, " See the birds and flowers of the field? Are you not more to me than them, yet I provide for them. I will provide for you." Children are not a burden to be borne. Unfortunately, society says, it is just so much easier to take a pill, than to actively work with my spouse ( yes, sex outside of marriage is adultery) to conceive or not conceive naturally and yes, that may mean abstain from sex when you both would like to have it.
      Old religious rhetoric as you call it is not irrelevant. How can God's word ever become irrelevant. Let's not elevate ourselves above our Creator and say, "God get our of the way, you are just not what we need to hear now. We have become so much more enlightened now. " Humble ourselves before Him and ask for his guidance and that HIS will be done, not ours.
      As for a priest not speaking on birth control because he has not had sex is as ludicrous as saying " "You can't argue against the death penalty because you have never been put to death." Please.
      Yes it is good that women contribute to the world, but we cannot stop there. Each of us needs to contribute to what God has called each of us to do: Protect life at all stages, serve others and to do His will as we strive to understand what that is. And as you have probably guessed by now I am Catholic. It is not easy sometimes to be Catholic as the world is these days. We are called to live differently. Not to judge others, but to love all ( not love what they do sometimes; love the sinner but hate the sin), serve rather than be served and to protect life at all stages.

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