Hitler’s National Socialist Media NBC ABC CBS CNN …….

The journalists at Breitbart.com  have committed themselves to  flogging the national media for ignoring the Kermit Gosnell infanticide trial.   The rest of us should join the effort by means of boycotts, or comments online and letters to the editors.

There has been endless media coverage of much smaller scale mass killings,  but the Gosnell  infanticides at his abortion mill are not considered newsworthy of  national attention.

This is because, like Planned Parenthood and Obama,  the National Socialist Hitler media has given its stamp of approval to the killing of unwanted newborn babies.   They are not quite ready to come out and protest the charges against Kermit Gosnell, but many of them secretly think that he should not be paying a penalty for infanticides most likely numbering in the triple digits.

The silence from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, regarding the use of scissors to snip the spinal columns of live newborn babies, is deafening.

2 thoughts on “Hitler’s National Socialist Media NBC ABC CBS CNN …….

  1. The media now have another compelling reason to black out the Gosnell affair. It is that their shameful behavior in this case has helped to remove the patina of respectability with which they have covered themselves for decades and expose them for what they truly are.

  2. The big problem for the media is that we are covering twitter with this Gosnell stuff, so they won't be able to keep ignoring it

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