Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie runs a radiology clinic in Miami, and has written a piece explaining how a REAL medical clinic is regulated by the government. Please click HERE, to read what she has to say about her clinic’s regulatory burden vs. that of abortion clinics.
Those who run legitimate medical facilities deal with endless inspections which assure compliance with state and federal regulations. They have to maintain compliance with HIPAA, and satisfy massive lists of criteria with respect to facilities, certifications of personnel, and record keeping, to be able to serve medicare and medicaid patients.
On the other hand, those who run abortion clinics do not have to comply with the same sets of standards. It appears, from the way that many facilities are run, that inspections are few and far between. It seems that our abortophilic governmental bodies are giving them a free pass to operate in a substandard manner.
Your friendly Pharmer has seen medical records from abortion clinics. By comparison to patient records from real health care facilities, the information has been scant and incomplete.
There is a reason that the ambulances are wearing a path from abortion clinics to the hospitals. In general, they have a much lower standard of care. It is amazing that women in the United States are satisfied with this.
this is powerful personal testimony to the horrors of Partial Birth Abortion, and his actions warmed my heart. The debate rages, and there shouldn't even be one. Please read, then share? Send it to someone involved in the fight? Gossner's attitude and actions are decades old and should not be allowed to continue. This might help some who wonder if the fight is exaggerated. IT'S NOT.
http://whiteknightstudio.blogspot.com/2013/05/par… Th
The link to the article referred to above did not post.. Sorry, I will try again with the reply.
Read it. I'm not a gamer, but wonder if this theme hasn't been carried into that particular fantasy world.
Gosnell's graduation from abortion to infanticide results from being exhausted by the lawsuits brought about by his surgical incompetence.