New Woman Accusing Herman Cain Of Sexual Harassment Hires Gloria Allred | Radar Online.
Gloria Allred is coming forth with a woman who wants to complain about Herman Cain harassing her.
To put the woman and her choice of lawyers in perspective, get to know the very whacko Gloria Allred. She said she liked it when she was groped by the TSA. It was the closest thing to sex she had experienced in a long while. Gloria also competed vigorously for the Jerry Springer award with THIS case of the explicit display from a Braves pitching coach.
Gloria is also famous for the Meg Whitman, illegal alien employee incident, abusing her own client, the housekeeper as a means to politically smear Whitman.
Kathleen Willey (a grope victim of Bill Clinton) was subpoenaed to testify in 1997 by the attorneys in the Paula Jones Case. Listen HERE to an interview of her comparing the media response to her and Paula Jones in the Clinton sexual imposition cases, vs the treatment of the women who are making vague harassment claims against Herman Cain.
Here’s Sharon Bialek’s public statement accusing Herman Cain.
Sharon Bialek claims to be a Republican teapartier, who has ostensibly hired an staunch ideological opponent, Gloria Allred to represent her.
Allred opposes Bialek on the issue of groping, and opposes the Teaparty on myriad other issues.
Cain’s campaign has issued a flat denial, calling Bialek’s claims “bogus”. Pharmer finds Bialek’s claimed affiliations, and her story to be implausible. Most women do not ask their sexual attacker to drive them back to their hotel. None of Clinton’s victims ever told a story like that.