The United States is at a cross roads. Some of our representatives have gotten a hold of this idea. They have correctly recognized that social issues and economic issues of the United States are intertwined, and that the social issues have to be addressed in order for the economic issues to be resolved.
This is the reason:
The Advance of Human Civilization is fueled by the desire to alleviate human suffering and human need.
If the suffering and need are concealed or erased by killing the victims, there will be no advancement.
We can see this already happening in the countries with socialized medicine. They have decided to stop treatment, and/or kill off those who have too many difficulties, or whose existence is not seen as profitable for the society as a whole. You can see what has happened to their capacities for medical and others scientific innovation. Which country still fosters the most scientific advancement, so that the most gifted people of the world flock here in order to accomplish their aims? It is still U.S.
If we decide to kill people because they have unmet needs, we will cease to advance as a civilization. All sorts of innovations will grind to a halt. We will enter a prolonged depression and dark age.
Listen to the likes of Bachmann, Palin, Cain, West, and the ones who came before them. They have a gut understanding of the main point, given above, though they might not be able to express it in as few words.
These people have the charisma to convey a more hopeful future for humanity, and lead others to it.
-K. L. Brauer
"But the dignity of human life is unbreakably linked to the existence of the personal-infinite God. It is because there is a personal-infinite God who has made men and women in His own image that they have a unique dignity of life as human beings. Human life then is filled with dignity, and the state and humanistically oriented law have no right and no authority to take human life arbitrarily in the way it is being taken."
— Francis Schaeffer
Ya, that speaks of the Source of the desire to alleviate human suffering and need, which is a 'whole 'nother thing'.