Matt Bevins has Tea Party and Conservative Support

Matt Bevin, the  underdog challenger to Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell , is endorsed by various tea party groups, including Tea Party Patriots.  Bevin is a more conservative pro-lifer than most, and therefore could not garner the support of some of the mainstream “pro-life” groups.  They might not agree with his idea of cutting medicaid funding for birth control.  They might also find his family of 9 kids, four of whom are adopted from Ethiopia, to be over the top.

Andrew Bair, writing in LifeNews,  notes that Bevin has support from the Northern Kentucky Right to Life organization, a group too conservative to be on his radar.  NKRTL is an uncompromisingly pro-life  group which opposes the birth control scam with which the left has successfully held women in thrall.  Mitch McConnell does not answer survey questions coming from Northern Kentucky Right to Life.

On the other hand, Tea Party support for Matt Bevins has been due to such things as  his insistence upon debt limits, and respect for immigration law. Mitch  McConnell has voted many times to increase the government debt ceiling, (thereby funding Obamacare), and has been  supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Pro-lifers such as Andrew Bair would do well to ponder if it is OK to vote to increase government debt, (thereby upholding the basis of the anti-life  Obamacare), to allow people who broke immigration law to push ahead of immigrants who have shown respect for U.S. laws, and to give these illegals access to health care coverage which has been R E M O V E D from working Americans.

Some UK Hospitals are Heated in Part by Incinerating Aborted Babies

It’s the ultimate in RECYCLING!!   Green energy for some UK hospitals comes from incinerating medical waste, part of which is aborted babies.

According to the UK Telegraph, Ten NHS trusts admit to having burned aborted babies along with rubbish, and two trusts have burned the fetal remains in “waste to energy” plants which provide heat for the hospitals.

Some parents are not consulted about the remains after a miscarriage, and these are burned as waste or for heat, as well as those babies who are aborted. Moms are sometimes told that the babies have been cremated. Between 2011 and 2013, the remains of 1101 unborn babies were cremated in the Ipswich Hospital “waste to energy plant” for example. This facility is operated by a private contractor, and a spokesperson of the Ipswich hospital is denying that remains from that hospital are incinerated.  Their concern is that remains from other hospitals are being burned there.

Read more of this disturbing news  at the UK Telegraph.

Kids in Danger of Contracting Stupidity from Educators in Virginia Beach City

The “educators” at Virginia Beach City Public Schools present a possibly serious hazard to children with whom they come in contact. Pharmer bestows on the administrators of Bayside Middle School, the Brown Pile, Stupid Educator Award for expelling sixth grader, Adrionna Harris.  Why?  Because she told them that she took a razor blade away from a fellow student who was CUTTING himself with it, and she immediately threw it away.

Yep, there is zero tolerance for handling a razor blade long enough to pitch it, whether saving another person from harm or not.

Fortunately Adrionna has not been made stupid, by her “educators” even though they punished her for acting judiciously to save another student from himself.   She says that she would do the same thing again, despite the punishment.  Hopefully she will continue to resist the efforts of her school to change her into a mindless automaton.  Her family wants to address the problems with the zero tolerance policy so that such bad judgment on the part of administrators does not adversely affect other students who choose to do the right thing.

Massive negative attention from the public and a television station has finally caused the school administration to rescind the expulsion.  There are continuing efforts to make sure that any negativity associated with this incident is expunged from Adrionna’s record.

Parents need to be alert to the idiocy fostered at so many of the schools, and work to undo the damage inflicted by the current crop of air heads who propagate the mindless, “zero tolerance” policies.

Samuel Adams Brewers Withdraw from St. Patrick’s Day Parade over Gays

Samuel Adams Brewers Withdraw from St. Patrick’s Day Parade over Gays.

The organizers of the South Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade have opted not to allow members of Mass Equality, a gay advocacy group to display their sexual orientation on signs.  For this reason, Samuel Adams Brewers is withdrawing from the parade.

Pharmer is withdrawing from the purchase of Samuel Adams beer.

There is no reason that groups of people should need to announce what kind of sex they like, while marching in a St. Patrick’s Day parade.  That is not the purpose of the parade, which originated as an Irish Catholic cultural and religious event.

Update:  Adding Guinness and Heineken to the list of beers to avoid.

It appears to be very important to three Brewing corporations that children have constant exposure to information regarding sex preferences.  It appears that Samuel Adams, Guinness and Heineken  require every event that they sponsor to have signage touting gay sexual orientation.

Fetophobia at Branford High School

IT appears that Branford High School principal, Lee Panagoulias has  Fetophobia, an  irrational fear of human developmental biology.  That’s what seems to have caused his refusal to permit pro-life students to display life sized models of human fetuses during the school’s lunch hour.  (An alternate diagnostic theory is PASD, post abortive stress disorder.)  Setting up the fetus models to be displayed during lunch hour has been deemed too controversial a topic to be discussed at a public school.   Read more below.

Pro-Life High School Group Says Principal Banned Them From Using Life-Sized Fetus Models « CBS Connecticut.

The Concept of Rape Insurance

Michigan’s ‘Rape Insurance’ Law Limiting Abortion Coverage Takes Effect – Government – Royal Oak, MI Patch.

Apparently the leftists believe that others should be forced to pay for a woman’s abortion, and that this constitutes “rape insurance”.

A Michigan bill to excuse tax payers from covering abortions is being called “rape insurance bill ” by abortion supporters.

Rape Insurance!

It is as though they are admitting that abortion functions as a rape facilitator, after the fact, particularly with the abortion clinics failing to report obvious crimes against underage girls.

Another thing that could be derived from the claims in the above linked article:  the precipitous rise in cost of abortions seems to have drastically outstripped the rate of inflation.  There are claims that a woman could spend tens of thousands of dollars on an abortion, now.  Perhaps the voracious greed of abortionists is a reason for the falling abortion rates in the U.S..

West Virginia Abortion Clinic Fails to Report Pregnant 11 Year Old

Of all the health care providers who came in contact with the 11 year old daughter of Michael and Amanda Adkins, only the Charleston abortion clinic failed to contact authorities regarding her pregnancy.

WSAZ reporters concluded that the law in West Virginia allows the abortion clinic to not report pregnant 11 year olds as statutory rape.  They claim that Ohio law has been vague in this area also.  In Kentucky, a pregnancy for an 11 year old is automatically classified as the result of first degree rape, and therefore must be reported.

Two weeks after the abortion, the parents took  the girl to the physician who first noted her pregnancy, telling him that there were symptoms of a miscarriage.  Without knowing of the abortion, he performed a D&C, which should have been an unnecessary procedure, compounding medical risk for the girl.

Perhaps the parents wanted to be absolutely certain that no baby remained, because, as has been later discovered, incest was involved.  Michael Adkins has been indicted for sexual assault, sexual abuse and incest, and Amanda is charged with obstruction and intimidation of a witness.

Abortionists have frequently  fought against requirements to report sexual abuse and statutory rape, because those things result in demand for their services $$$.

Pool Whizz Chemistry

Other than the worry that people are increasingly unable to keep themselves clean,  there’s another problem associated with swimming in public pools.

Research out of China Agricultural University and Purdue University purports that the uric acid of urine can react with chlorine in public pools to produce cyanogen chloride (an agent of chemical warfare) and trichloramine, both of which could cause  health liabilities, with significant exposure.

This survey purports that 19 percent of Americans admit to having peed in public pools, while Michael Phelps informs us that Olympic swimmers do it all the time due to the need for uninterrupted training.

Perhaps the  pool where athletes train is not your best bet for water quality.  😛