Home Abortions Again?

Remember that excuse for legalizing abortions to make them safer, with the imagery of women self abortion with coat hangers.??

So now abortion is legal, and not really too safe,
not rare,
and women are still self aborting
with pencils,
or by shooting themselves in the abdomen.

The pro aborts have come full circle now, with the TELE-ABORTION, It seems that sending women back home to abort themselves, without ready access to a physician, is OK again.

Videoconferencing Is Used to Administer Abortion Drugs in the state of Iowa, by planned parenthood,  killing the unborn,  well over 100 miles  removed from the abortionist.

Even this new development is under controversy, with the abortion chain’s spokespersons unable to decide if it is actually happening or not.

Baby boy survives for nearly two days after abortion – Telegraph

Baby boy survives for nearly two days after abortion – Telegraph.

This case of infanticide may cause trouble for the abortionist practicing in Rossano, Italy for two reasons.

The infant survived the procedure, but was left for dead.  He was discovered to be still alive 2o hours later by the hospital chaplain who had visited to pray beside the body.  The chaplain noticed movement, and the baby was subsequently rushed to a neonatal unit in Consenza hospital where he died a day later.

So number one reason that the abortionists have trouble is that they abandoned a living baby to die.

Number two reason is that the estimated age of the baby at induced abortion was not correct.    This kid would not have lived for a whole  day unattended if he  were only 22 weeks along.

So this is  a much later term abortion attempt than was initially represented by the health care practitioners.


Here’s a review of the Italian Abortion Law (194) which proscribes abortions of  fetuses which could potentially survive when separated from the mother, unless her life  is in danger.

Here’s hoping that the Italian health authorities are serious about their proposed investigation of this apparent  late term abortion turned infanticide.

The Dems are Mad at the Pope and Needing Diversion

This tactic is analogous to the leftist attacks on tea partiers for violence which they never committed. The vast preponderance of violence has been on side of the liberals. The teapartiers have staged the most orderly protests in human history.

Yep……. the Liberals revived this  sex scandal business, because the Pope pushed the U.S. Bishops to oppose Obamacare. Revenge and distraction, it is.

So how is this going to work out? The Pope is being castigated because liberals wormed their way into the priesthood, and did what they usually do, have sex with the underaged. The Church is not the Police, and that is not its job, but Benedict XVI, who has been cleaning house, will be attacked to the greatest extent. Liberals are now being pushed out of positions of authority within the church by the pope, for their participation in the sex abuse, and this is the backlash.

Meanwhile the Dems are clearly aiming to use our tax dollars to buy viagra for sex offenders, instead of punishing them. Too many of their relatives and friends would have been angered if they had accepted yesterday’s amendment to he Senate health care bill to stop that practice.

The media will keep telling the public that the Church clergy should break their oaths associated with the sacrament of reconciliation.
The psychiatrists will not be asked to break the trust of their patients. That matter will be moot, as the government will possess your medical data.

Taking the Leftist agenda most of the way down its road– there will be systemic rooting out of the Christians, and any other religions with sex restrictions. The government will have all your medical data, but this will not matter for sex perverts. Data on men’s purchases of over the counter abortifacients will be of no significance. Planned parenthood failing to report obvious abuse of children is not considered a problem to leftists. Aborting the resultant babies,and hiding the rapes are considered a good service. At the “utopian” endpoint there would be no such thing as a sex crime, with all women and children being subject to this abuse. Worse than the Taliban, the leftists are.

Washington, a Pedophile’s Playground

Mother furious after in-school clinic sets up daughter’s abortion.

In Washington  child of any age can consent to an  abortion.  And if she doesn’t tell her family, the initial  procedure is free.

Therefore perverts  can go as young as they  want in this state, and make the girl abort the baby.    Washington, therefore appears to be designed as an absolute playground in the U.S. for guys who want to have sex with little girls.

Find here the age of consent for sex in Washington. Note that it does not jibe with the lack of age limit for consent to abort.

However it seems that if  the  little victim can be taken for  an abortion, the age of consent for sex would not matter very much.

The Coalition of  Positive Sexuality has an information page for perverts  (the fingercot set who are still waiting for the new hotshots condoms) to determine which states to drag their underage  victims  for abortions.   It excitedly lists the states which require no parental consent for this decision to kill their unborn kids.

Bet on this page getting an extra spike of hits from the sickos that the search engines drag in.

Meanwhile, for the normal people left in Washington, how are the homeschool laws,  now that you KNOW your daughter’s school can drag her to the clinic for an abortion without your consent?

Oh, and do remember,  if the abortion is botched,  guess-who covers the cost of the extremely expensive aftermath in the hospital,  whether or not one of the the victims survive.

South Dakota Physicians Will Not Do Abortions

Meet Carol Ball, who travels weekly to perform abortions at the Planned Parenthood Facility in Sioux Falls, SD. Peter Sleven of the Washington Post provides a  friendly writeup of this abortion provider, now advanced in years, who travels weekly to perform the most common, routine surgical procedure in the US, but one  that no resident physician in South Dakota will do.

Sleven recalls the shooting of  George  Tiller in this article, and this famous late term abortionist of Kansas  is likely to be  memorialized in every such article for years to come.    It is notable  that cops, who are willfully killed in the line of duty, are not similarly remembered by the journalists.  Perhaps the burden of recalling so many names, or even one per article,  is too cumbersome.

Also notable in this account is that age  or time seems to reduce  the  worry about what other people  think.    At this stage in her life,  Carol Ball  will publicly admit that she works for Planned Parenthood.  In her younger years, she would simply mention, when asked,  that she was an obstetrician and gynecologist.

South Korean Obstetrician ends abortion practice

Dr. Shim Sang-Duk  used to perform  similar numbers of abortions and deliveries in his practice, in South Korea, which has one of the lowest fertility rates (1.19 live births per couple).  The physician initially became numbed by abortion, but eventually came to despise himself.   Gradually he began trying to persuade his patients against abortion, and finally ceased performing the operations altogether.  He has since formed an alliance with other physicians,  ~ 30 of which have ceased aborting, along with hundreds of supporters who are at perhaps some earlier  phase of development.
While there is considerable opposition to the physicians who won’t abort, as well as loss of patient base, there are no legal hurdles for those who cease the practice in the nation where abortions remain technically illegal.
LA Times John M Glionna writes:

Dressed in his white lab coat, the bespectacled Shim embodies a new public consciousness against abortion.
In the lobby of his Ion clinic, a sign explains his new philosophy. “Abortions, which abandon the valuable life of a fetus, are the very misery for the nation and society as well as pregnant women, families and ob-gyn doctors,” it reads.

For years, Shim rarely, if ever, even used the word “abortion.” Rather, he said, he sought to “erase” or “prevent” the fetus.

“I bought into the government’s argument that it was OK to do this,” he said. “It was good for the country. It boosted the economy.”

Still, Shim was often baffled by his patients’ behavior: After receiving their abortions, he said, most women cried.

“Many patients cry when they give birth,” he said, “but these were a different kind of tears.”

Observing the introspective style of presenting abortion, found much more often in this years’ news output, this blogger wonders if the media is beginning a phase of reinventing itself to address the changing culture.