O’Donnell: Where is it in the Constitution?

Just do a Search, and find out that Google is not much help on factual news.

Christine O’Donnell debated Chris Coons in Delaware today, and her question about separation of church and state has been mocked by everyone who hasn’t read the U.S. Constitution and the First Amendment.

There is nothing about Separation of church and state in the constitution. The premise of her question is absolutely correct. Go look for yourself.
There is a prohibition against establishing a state church, or a theocracy. And there is protection of freedom of religion. But there is no separation. One does not separate the religion of a person from his activities, since the religion governs the activities.

The lefties are hell-bent to strip us of our free expression of religion, and the little students have been dutifully indoctrinated by their instructors. Widener University Law Students exposed their utter ignorance of the Constitution and the First Amendment, by their laughing response to O’Donnell’s question.

Read the First Amendment for yourself:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

No separation in there.

That idea came from a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote, Danbury Baptist Association in 1802 and which the lefties have interpreted for the purpose of expunging the free expression of religion. Interestingly, the letter was an assurance that the churches would continue to be protected from encroachment by the government.

Regarding the presentation of Creationism in the public schools: nothing is wrong with presenting that as a theory concerning how we came to be. Evolution is a theory. Intelligent design is also a theory. Pharmer posits them as equivalent theories, because no one has observed either event occurring, and both are studied and pondered as possibilities by both scientists and theologians. Creationism is a subset idea under the Intelligent design concept, which comes from a rather literal interpretation of the Judeo-Christian religious texts. It does not violate the Constitution to present the various theories of how humans came to be. It is, however a violation of the Constitution to give only one theory as educational dogma, as is done by presenting only Evolution (a theory first brought forth by Charles Darwin, who also acknowledged the Creator in his book).

Those of us read Darwin’s book and who are functional in the field of science, understand that a Theory is not Dogma, and is not to be taught as such, or it will not be questioned, refined and improved.

O’Donnell’s religion is Catholicism. It does not propound a literal interpretation of the Biblical Creation Story as dogma. It does, however teach that there is the Creator who made the universe(s) and designed humans in His own image.

Pharmer, a functional scientist who does not fear freedom of religion, recommends this for a holistic public education curriculum:
The Evolution theory should be presented along with the Creation theories of many different cultures. Let’s have some diversity.

It’s very sad that the students at Widener University, and almost all of the mainstream media in the United States are so completely uneducated about our Constitution.

Pharmer of Indiana is donating to the Delaware campaign of O’Donnell, to honor the spirit of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, as soon as they give a mechanism without requiring employer info. Found one!  Sent $ for both O’Donnell and  Angle.

There is a Dire need for the TEA Party and it must continue.

Xi Jinping – expected to be China’s Next President

Xi Jinping of China: Xi Jinping likely to become China’s next president – latimes.com.

Xi Jinping has been appointed as Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, which oversees the Peoples Liberation Army.

He’s considered a safe choice  to become the president of China within the next few years.  The Party Secretary Hu, Jintao is due to retire in 2012.  Xi is expected to replace him and then assume the presidency the following year.

Xi is the son of Xi Zhongxun, a reformer who was “purged” from the party in the 1960s by Chairman Mao.  Xi, the younger was sent off to to hard labor in a rural commune at the age of 15.    He was allowed to study chemical engineering at Qinghua University in Beijing, and later obtained a law degree.   His later service to the party earned him a name for being business friendly, and not one to reveal his views on controversial issues.

Dr. Mildred Fay Jefferson, Surgeon and Pro-Life Luminary, R.I.P.

This great lady never needed a teleprompter!! Get your pro-life history lesson.

HLI and Pro-lifers everywhere mourn the passing, (Oct, 16th 2010) of Dr. Mildred Fay Jefferson, one of the founders and past presidents of the National Right to Life Committee .   This distinguished lady was pro-life before the beginning.  She organized the Pro-life movement in Massachusetts before Roe V Wade,  and so was a natural choice (3 x president) to lead the national movement.  Dr. Jefferson was the first Black American woman to graduate from Harvard medical school, into a  distinguished career as a general surgeon.

R.I.P.  Dr. Mildred Jefferson.

Why The Catholic Bishops Don’t Get Donations From Pharmer

Pharmer continues the boycott of the US Catholic Bishops fundraisers, and here’s just one more reason.

This appeared in Pharmer’s Church bulletin during October, Pro-life month:

“The Indiana Bishops have asked that parishes and affiliated/associated organizations NOT distribute or allow distribution of Indiana Right To Life’s or county affiliate organization’s election materials.
The Indiana Right to Life has adopted a clearly partisan policy that effectively endorses ONLY Republican candidates for elected offices.
When the Indiana Right to Life Policy and materials are again non-partisan, with a focus on education and advocacy, parishes may be able to cooperate with the local and state organization during the election campaign once more.”

The use of the word “republican” in this announcement violates it’s own supposed non-partisan message. Thus it is internally inconsistent with the supposed spirit the Indiana Bishops are pretending to convey.

The reality is that the bulk of U.S. Bishops (outside of a persistently pro life minority) are paying lip service to pro-life ideals only due to the prodding of the pro-life Pope Benedict.

The Wallbuilders have established three years running that the churches need not fear the IRS removal of tax exempt status. Those preachers doing political advocacy from the pulpits, and sending the tapes to the IRS have yet to be taken to task. The IRS knows that it will lose this case in court, so it keeps silent, allowing the IRS intimidation of most pastors to proceed.

The Catholic Church in the United States ought not to specifically ally itself with any party, but it really needs to get out of bed with the pro-abortion, pro-infanticide, pro-euthanasia, pro-gay marriage, Pro-WAR, pro-slavery, anti-civil rights, Democrat party of the KKK. Those of us who know the history of the U.S. Wars and the above mentioned misbehaviors know which party has initiated and/or supported them in our government.

Any politically conscious person knows that the Republican party is not without stain, and this is why there is a TEA-party for one example. Pharmer has been boycotting the RNC appeals for many years, and assisting individual candidates in other ways.

Pro-life politicians need to find another party, because the Democrat party at the national level has been impervious to transformation on these issues, and defunds its pro-life candidates at the national level. Democrats have moved further left with their chosen president’s inclusion of actual infanticide as an extension of abortion.


The Indiana Right to Life Voter Guide has no endorsements included on the document. It has survey questions for federal and state candidates, followed by lists of the candidates (without party affiliation) and their replies to the questions.

Indiana Right to Life has issued a statement that it will back no Democrats this year, due in part  to the cooperation of Indiana Democrats with the pro abortion Obamacare.  The Democrat state officials have not allowed pro-life legislation to proceed in the Indiana legislature as well.  The Indiana Bishops are reminded of Independents, Teapartiers, and Libertarians which are active within the state, and which are not excluded from consideration.  It is revealed that the “only republicans” statement appearing in the church bulletin really means “no democrats”.

The 2010 List of Indiana Right to Life PAC endorsements- click HERE

The Democrat Party Platform of 2008 on Abortion:
“The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.”

“The Democratic Party also strongly supports access to comprehensive affordable family planning services and age-appropriate sex education which empower people to make informed choices and live healthy lives. We also recognize that such health care and education help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions.”

“The Democratic Party also strongly supports a woman’s decision to have a child by ensuring access to and availability of programs for pre and post natal health care, parenting skills, income support, and caring adoption programs.”

Anti Obama Billboard Removed After Leftie Terrorists Threaten Sign Owner

After violent threats at his business, and then more such calls to his wife from leftie terrorists,  a billboard sign owner removed an anti Obama ad which had displayed in Grand Junction Colorado.

The billboard showed Obama as characters of  issues which his administration has mishandled,  a terrorist, gangster, a mexican bandito, and a homosexual.

The identity of the person who actually created and ran the billboard ad is not given.

Historically leftists hold at least  four top world records for killing those who oppose their views.

Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler………

Multiculturalism in Germany has Failed, Sez Merkel

Chancellor Merkel, speaking to a younger crowd of Christian Democratic Union members, has declared the multikulti effort in Germany to be an “utter failure”.   She adds that those who do not speak German immediately are not welcome.

Seems that those same Muslims, who don’t like abortion,  are out-reproducing the Europeans and taking over.  The European welfare system causes this disparity to be exaggerated.  It’s easier for one guy to service many “wives”  when the government provides the funding.

Docs Offered to Abort Susan Boyle

Spotted over at Jill Stanek’s,  and this is definitely worth a push.

Quote from  an extensive autobiographical piece  at the Daily Mail:

My mother was 45 when I came along.

Having given birth to eight children over 23 years, she had been advised not to have any more. The doctors considered the danger so severe they offered a termination but that would have been unthinkable for my mother, a devout Catholic.

Read the rest of that article.  It’s long, but Susan Boyle is worth it.  Great singer, and definitely one of a kind.

European Council Reaffirms Conscience Rights of Health Professionals

This ground breaking incident is considered a turnaround from previous trends. The Council of Europe  reversed course,  gutting the intent of a resolution called the McCafferty report,  a resolution which favored  stripping the human  rights of professionals who wished not to participate in abortions, and other unethical medical  practices.

Twenty nine amendments were added to the resolution, which effectively reverse its original intent, so that the writer of the original report, Christian McCafferty,  wound up voting against it.

Gregor Puppinck, of the European Center for Law and Justice, has stated that this vastly changed resolution will have significant impact on European case law in their council on human rights.

As the legal and governmental processes of Europe are too labyrinthine for the mind of this non-specialist,  it is recommended that you read further to see what the total  impact of this resolution will be.   Euro-lefties suggest that it will not affect the general mores of Europe, where the native populations are much more accepting of  “medical” killing practices.

Pharmer is certain  that the rising population of  Muslims has added fuel to this turnaround, as they have been prominently featured in the medical conscience issues of the UK.   Digging a bit deeper  will convince the reader of this blogger’s chronic Rightness.

Alliance with the Muslims will likely  result in LEFTIES  losing their sacrament of abortion.