European Council Reaffirms Conscience Rights of Health Professionals

This ground breaking incident is considered a turnaround from previous trends. The Council of Europe  reversed course,  gutting the intent of a resolution called the McCafferty report,  a resolution which favored  stripping the human  rights of professionals who wished not to participate in abortions, and other unethical medical  practices.

Twenty nine amendments were added to the resolution, which effectively reverse its original intent, so that the writer of the original report, Christian McCafferty,  wound up voting against it.

Gregor Puppinck, of the European Center for Law and Justice, has stated that this vastly changed resolution will have significant impact on European case law in their council on human rights.

As the legal and governmental processes of Europe are too labyrinthine for the mind of this non-specialist,  it is recommended that you read further to see what the total  impact of this resolution will be.   Euro-lefties suggest that it will not affect the general mores of Europe, where the native populations are much more accepting of  “medical” killing practices.

Pharmer is certain  that the rising population of  Muslims has added fuel to this turnaround, as they have been prominently featured in the medical conscience issues of the UK.   Digging a bit deeper  will convince the reader of this blogger’s chronic Rightness.

Alliance with the Muslims will likely  result in LEFTIES  losing their sacrament of abortion.