Kill Devil Hills: Aftermath of Irene

Pharmer sent a link to the Kill Devil Hills weather data, which was posted  here yesterday, to the Drudge Report. Coincidentally, the Drudge crew elected to link up an Irene aftermath story from…. yes, Kill Devil Hills, saying that less than expected damage had occurred.  Tropical storms  are known to be VERY WET.  Consistent with that fact, the  main damage from Irene  is from too much rain.

The media, with red faces, are still trying to tell us that Irene was a hurricane when it made landfall,  but as we can see from the rest of the wind graph at Kill Devil Hills……. it really was a Tropical Storm.  Even the wind GUSTS did not register at 50 mph, and sustained winds were well below that.


Obama might be kicking himself for ending the vacation early in order to “take command” of the disaster from the non-hurricane. Perhaps he can breathe a ginormous gust of hot air to dry the wetness left by Irene on the portion of the country to which he feels more attachment. (Those of us in flyover country have experienced his conspicuous detachment from our disasters.)
This video shows the desperate attempt at ABC News to make Obama seem relevant and connected to the management of response to Tropical Storm Irene. Note the pre-Irene footage from Kill Devil Hills.