IRS Head Shulman Record Breaking Number of Visits to White House


IRS Commissioner leads Obama White House Visiters. The Daily Caller.
IRS Commissioner leads Obama White House Visitors. The Daily Caller.

Shulman had more White House visits than any Cabinet member | The Daily Caller.

How can we KNOW that the White house directed IRS persecution of right wing organizations?   Because it’s Commissioner, Douglas Shulman, visited the White house 157 times during the Obama administration, more than any other member.

He visited 118  times during the two years before the 2012 elections, when the IRS was targeting the conservative non-profits.   That’s more than once per week.

Shulman was at the White House far more than any CABINET member.  His predecessor, Mark Everson was at the White house ONCE during George W. Bush’s administration.

More fun facts.

The ACLJ is representing 25  Tea Party groups in a suit  against the IRS.

At least Five Pro Israel groups critical of White House policies were targeted by the IRS.



If More Politicians Did This, Fewer Would be Corrupted by Washington DC

The spread of the infectious disease, Potomac Fever, would be reduced if more politicians would limit their time in office voluntarily, as Michele Bachmann has.

She’s finishing up her time in the U.S. Congress after eight years, making her announcement with enough time for another conservative candidate to set up a campaign.

The big question: can another conservative succeed in blue Minnesota?

What Else is Wrong with NYC? Health Dept. App for Kid Sex

Teens  can download a phone app at the New York City’s Health Department website, which reminds them that they don’t need parental consent for abortion and birth control services in that metropolis.  The app also tells them how to obtain services based on where they live, and what they can expect at the clinics.   the directory lists as “Gold Star clinics”  those which offer free birth control and abortion.

The App links a video of New York girl, “Samantha”,  who talks about boinking with her boyfriend, and wishing that she were also doing it with her girlfriend too.  She describes the “free and confidential” birth control and abortion services, as well as not needing permission from anyone to obtain them.

NYC is on Pharmer’s ‘NOT’ List of  kids school field trips, for reasons of this kind of cultural rot.

CNS News says that no answers from health dept. officials were forthcoming about the  use of  federal or local tax dollars for encouraging kid sex in New York City.

Melinda Gates and “Women Deliver” Bring Their Best to Women’s Health

Melinda Gates, wife of Bill Gates is continuing her quest to control  reproduction of the Brown people on planet Earth.  She’s been working on the Women Deliver Conference, an outreach by the abortion arm of the UN.  “Trainers” brought  to this week’s  conference in Kuala Lumpur include  Peter Singer (who thinks that infanticide is fine), and LeRoy Carhart,  (who has an unlicensed nurse at his Maryland Clinic, and a nurse who might lose her license in August, at his Omaha clinic).

Ms. Gates is raising funds to bring Depo-Provera, and other birth control to 120 million more women in the developing countries.  She has also partnered with the United Nations Population Fund, which has been helping  to administer China’s one child policy.  Gate’s latest push is called Women Deliver, but it’s much more likely to prevent that.

You would think that Gates could afford to bring better trainers than Singer and Carhart (whose Maryland clinic has eight pages of failures listed on its  last state inspection). Only women would put up with such low quality  “health care”.

Incidentally, three fourths of Maryland’s 16  abortion clinics failed to comply with safety regulations, as reported by that state’s Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene. One fourth of the clinics were deemed to be bad enough to be shut down immediately.   There’s not a chance that men would tolerate this kind of substandard health care for themselves.

Chinese Firefighters Rescue Newborn Flushed Down Toilet

Tenants in the Chinese city of Jinhua called firefighters when they heard a baby crying on the fourth floor, Saturday, 5/25/13.  The responders rescued a baby boy from a toilet sewage pipe. He was a new born with the placenta still attached. The infant has survived the ordeal, and, as expected after a post-birth abortion attempt,  no parent has come to claim him. The U.S., with its Gosnell, Karpen, and others, can claim no moral superiority in this matter.

Video is available HERE
firefighter rescues baby flushed down toilet

toilet baby rescued in China

Watch video here. <—

UPDATE with more pics:   Mom claims it was an accident. 


Leftists Move to Undo Laws Against Sex with Minors

Obvious to many is the leftist policy push towards making children more available to adults for sex.   That which would be considered statutory rape in the United States is touted in the film “Blue is the Warmest Colour” which is three hours of footage featuring an adult woman using up a 15 year old girl.

At the same time, we find that an 18 year old female, Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt,  in Florida, has been having a lesbian relationship with a  14 year old girl.  Because of their sexual orientation, people seem to feel that the 18 year old should not pay the penalty that any other adult would pay in Florida, for having sex with a juvenile.

The leftists hope to use this case in their quest to kill the idea that adults should not have sex with children.

Part of What’s Wrong with New York is that the Catholic Archdiocese Pays for Birth Control

As U.S. Catholics realize,  their bishops forgot about the birth control and abortion issues for a long time.  The instructional vacuum has hastened the social decline of the U.S.  About halfway through the last decade, under pressure from the Vatican, the bishops started notice that the richest nation in the world also had one of the highest abortion rates.  Another kick an the pants has jolted them to start paying attention to their birth control problem, which contributes to their abortion problem.

The New York Times noted yesterday that NYC’s Archdiocese, had been paying for birth control beginning prior to the time that  the man-who-could-not-be-Pope  took leadership.

We note that NYC also has an abortion rate higher than the rest of the U.S., and rivaling that of China and Russia.  New York City’s own media calls it the “Abortion Capital of America”.

IRS’s Lerner Signed Tea Party Letters

From Breitbart, we learn that Lois Lerner signed the IRS letters sent to the TEA Party groups. These letters amounted to an ‘anal probe’ of personal information from TEA party members, which was entirely inappropriate and unneeded for granting tax exempt status to non profit groups of volunteers. She has declared her innocence before congress and invoked the Constitutional Bill of Rights in refusing to offer more testimony.

Lerner is making a deal to preserve her finances and her life. Taking the fifth and refusing to resign from the IRS keeps her in the public eye and helps to ensure that she will not be made to “disappear”.

On the Boy Scouts Specifically Admitting Gay Boys

There’s big news about the Boy Scouts admitting gay C H I L D R E N to their organization. First of all, this is strange because the sex preferences should not even be a big deal during childhood. The organization is temporarily excluding gay scout leaders, but this policy will quickly be overturned by including the government oversight by means of a discrimination lawsuit.

Taking this issue on more globally, this burning question needs to be asked: Why does every single group have to concern itself with the sex lives of its members?

When there is a policy to specifically admit people who advertise where they like to put it, then that issue becomes part of the function of the group, and those preferences must be rubber stamped by every member of the group.

Making an issue of everyone’s sex preferences, adds sex as a primary function of every group. Each time sex invades and is placed at the top of group priorities, a new group will have to form which excludes sex as a part of their mission. This kind if segregation will occur until the government makes it illegal to “think” that there is a proper and improper way to have sex.

People are willing to give up every single other freedom in order to have completely unfettered sex practices, ‘whenever and wherever’. This idea of “freedom” has come to include the sexual abuse of children and animals.
The disorder of America, and a major reason that it is in the death spiral is that the sex preferences have become more important than any other aspect of life.