If More Politicians Did This, Fewer Would be Corrupted by Washington DC

The spread of the infectious disease, Potomac Fever, would be reduced if more politicians would limit their time in office voluntarily, as Michele Bachmann has.

She’s finishing up her time in the U.S. Congress after eight years, making her announcement with enough time for another conservative candidate to set up a campaign.

The big question: can another conservative succeed in blue Minnesota?

IRS’s Lerner Signed Tea Party Letters

From Breitbart, we learn that Lois Lerner signed the IRS letters sent to the TEA Party groups. These letters amounted to an ‘anal probe’ of personal information from TEA party members, which was entirely inappropriate and unneeded for granting tax exempt status to non profit groups of volunteers. She has declared her innocence before congress and invoked the Constitutional Bill of Rights in refusing to offer more testimony.

Lerner is making a deal to preserve her finances and her life. Taking the fifth and refusing to resign from the IRS keeps her in the public eye and helps to ensure that she will not be made to “disappear”.

Ob-Gyn Who Stopped his Abortion Practice Testifies in Favor of Limiting Abortions to 20 Weeks.

Dr Anthony P Levatino MD, an Ob-Gyn practitioner in New Mexico has performed about 1200 abortions during his career, with many of them being in the second trimester. After reevaluating the issue of abortion, he discontinued that part of his practice, and is now supporting Trent Frank’s House Bill to limit abortions to less than 20 weeks gestation.

Listen to Dr. Levatino’s testimony HERE.

One of his most salient points is that late term abortion is not useful for saving the life of a woman. The procedure is much too long and harrowing in contrast to the option of delivering a live infant.

abortion testimony to congress 5-23-13 Anthony P Levatino MD

Lawmakers Secretly Plot to Exempt Themselves From Obamacare

You knew it would happen.   Members of congress,  including all Democrats, understand that Obamacare really sux.   They want no part of it for themselves, their families, or their staff.

That’s why they have been engaging in secretive talks to exempt themselves and their staff members from requirements to join the abysmal government exchanges.

The government officials know that entry level staffers cannot afford the ravages of rising health care insurance costs under the “Affordable” Health Care act.   They fear that the best staffers will leave Washington in search of more lucrative jobs in order to be able to afford the M A N D A T E D health care insurance.

The thought of “brain drain” in Washington DC (mentioned by the Politico) is vastly amusing.  Are Americans to believe that intelligent people planned this debacle for us, and chained us to debt eternally?

Readers should be aware that  Finance Committee Chairman, Senator Max Baucus (D-Montana)  ripped into Sebelius and stated that Obamacare is going to be a train wreck. Recall that he was one of the original authors of this disaster.   Immediately after this show, he announced that he will not be running for office again.

Obama Administration is Committed to Making His Sequester as Painful As Possible

The Sequester is not really a cut in spending at all, but a reduction in the projected increase.  The spending in 2013 will still be larger than 2012.  However Obama promised a lot of pain to be associated with the sequester, and it would appear that federal officials are being ordered to make this happen.

And example comes from an internal email exchange by an Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service official, Charles Brown.  He asked if he could spread whatever cuts might affect his region to make them as painless as possible.  The answer was that he was not to do anything to lessen the impact on fish inspections,  so that the effects  would be as dire as Obama warned Congress they would be.  Cuts in his area are to eliminate aid to prevent wildlife damage  to the aquaculture industry in 24 states.

In other words,  we have direct evidence that Obama is going to make  HIS sequester painful, and blame the whole idea on the Republicans.

Obama also has threatened that he  has an ability to target cuts, eliminating meat inspectors, for example, so as to reduce the available food supply.  He might not remember that his supporters will be punished most of all, as this cut would  affect the inner city “food deserts” more than the most rural areas.   (Pharmer recalls to mind  the increasingly severe cuts in DRUG supply which the nation has been experienced during Obama’s tenure.)

Since this APHIS email  came to light, the  USDA is walking back the implications of the report, saying that they will try to mitigate the effects of the sequester as much as possible.

The Washington Times also noted that the White house was facing questions on the 50 million dollar order for new TSA uniforms that it made just before the sequestration took effect.

Obama is also closing the White house to tours, and blaming this on the sequester.  Perhaps he fears blowback from  his obviously vengeful attitude towards Americans.   Inside the beltway, people are asking why Obama can’t keep the White house open, noting that President Lincoln was able to do so throughout the time of the Civil War.

Barrie Obama is no Abe Lincoln.

Pelosi Unwilling to have Congress Partake in the Economic Decline They Have Given to Us

Pelosi opposes the Congressional pay cut which  would accompany the relatively minor spending reductions of the ‘sequester’.

“I don’t think we should do it; I think we should respect the work we do,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol. “I think it’s necessary for us to have the dignity of the job that we have rewarded.”

via Pelosi: Congressional pay cut undermines dignity of the job – The Hill.

Which Republicans Said Yes to the Bogus Obama Fiscal Deal?

Below is the list of Republicans whobent over and yes to the bogus Obama tax deal.  Pharmer is pleased to see no Indiana names on that list of wimps and wusses.

The interesting name to see on this list is Paul Ryan.   Perhaps he is tired and wants to go home.

Obama used the fraudulent  fiscal cliff method as a final stab to the republican party, which will permanently remove it from power.

Conservatives won’t be able to get behind the people on this list.  Since the Republican establishment can’t tolerate conservative candidates,  it necessarily means that the Republican party will not be able to take the majority in either house, or  win the presidency.

They are finished.

House Votes ‘Yes’ on The Senate’s ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Bill\

Are Politicians Smarter Than a Seventh Grader?

The answer is NO!

Newtown  middle schoolers Max Goldstein and his brother VOLUNTARILY quit playing the shoot ’em up video games. Goldstein says that continuing to indulge in them  is “rude and disrespectful to the families” of the Sandy Hook  victims.  They’re encouraging others to follow suit.   The CBS headline (below)  describing Goldstein’s  initiative is inaccurate, as he’s asking for people to follow his example of their own free will.   His goal is to reduce the presence of the games in the U.S. by a third.

Newtown 7th Grader Starts Movement To Rid America Of Violent Video Games « CBS New York.

It’s more reasonable to suppose that continuous overindulgence in extremely graphic video violence would have more influence over a developing mind than the mere presence of guns.  Maybe if the kids get outside and interact with each other a bit more,  some of these tragedies might be averted.

Rather than asking people to change their gaming habits,  the big kids in Washington want to pass federal versions of the ineffective regulations banning guns in schools, and heavily restricting them in the entire state of Connecticut.   The federal lawmakers have gone home for Christmas.  Hopefully  next year they’ll be too distracted by angry tax payers looking at their shrunken January paychecks to  waste time with the gun laws.

Rising number of states seeing one-party rule – Washington Times

Rising number of states seeing one-party rule – Washington Times.

The Dems now have veto-proof majorities in California and Illinois. Expect those two states to die. Develop an escape plan.

One party rule has become dominant in the states, whether it is Republican or Democrat. There are only 12 states with divided government. Republicans still hold most of the one party states, with 23, and the Dems now hold 14, having picked up 8. Republicans picked up 2. Interestingly, the Republicans picked up the Wisconsin senate. With that news, Pharmer now has some work to do in Wisconsin. Republicans also picked up Arkansas and really own the Old South, with 11 states. They added one governorship, for a total of 30 to the dems 20.

Pharmer isn’t so worried about one party rule in the case of republicans That really isn’t one party rule anymore, as that group itself is going to discover over time.

Jesse Jackson Jr. Wins Reelection From Mayo Clinic | NBC Chicago

Jesse Jackson Jr. Wins Reelection From Mayo Clinic | NBC Chicago.

As you might know, Jesse Jackson Jr. has been in a treatment center in Arizona, and in the Mayo Clinic, where he has been diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder, and gastro-intestinal problems.

More significant than the medical difficulties preventing Jackson from functioning at work, or campaigning, the FBI has launched a criminal investigation of Jackson’s financial improprieties. An Ethics committee is investigating his attempt to buy the vacant senate seat of Barack Obama.

These problems did not prevent Jackson from winning Illinois 2nd Congressional seat in a LANDSLIDE!

Around the time of Jackson’s June disappearance into the medical facilities, Raghuveer Nayak was arrested for multiple counts of fraud. Nayak had testified in Governor Blagojevich’s trial, that Jackson sent him to offer up to 6 million bucks for the Senate seat appointment.

With all this pressure from criminal investigations, Jessie Jackson Jr. might wish he had not ridden Obama’s coat-tails to an utterly effortless victory.