United Methodists quit Pro-abortion Church Group

The United Methodists have ended their relationship with the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.   This is especially good news for yours truly who had to keep her youngest kid home from school mission trips  in protest of this unholy association.  This decision was reached at the Quadrennial General Conference meeting in Portland by a vote of 425 to 268 (a landslide).

The rationale behind the decision calls the RCRC a “one-sided political lobby that opposes all disapproval or limitation of abortion.”

Help the Stormans Family, Pro-life Pharmacists

The Stormans Family  has been battling the coercive leftist abortion supporters for YEARS, regarding their right to refuse to dispense certain types of birth control which have abortive mechanisms of action.  They won their case at home, but are being soaked for legal fees as their First Amendment case is being appealed to the 9th Circuit Court.  Read more about the appeal  at LifeNews.

There’s a Go Fund Me campaign to help out this family, and allow them to stay true to their religious and ethical beliefs as they practice pro-life pharmacy.

Please understand  that the primary drug in question, levonorgestrel, or Plan B One-Step is now an over the counter drug.  The entire environment of practice regarding this drug entity has changed while the Stormans legal battle has been going on.   In addition, it has been established that Plan B is ineffective for American women of average size. ( Learn more at the Chemical Abortion page of this blog.)  The pharmacists who refuse to dispense Plan B have effectively  been protecting these women from being sold a bogus “remedy”.  The point of continued legal persecution of this family is moot.

Your friendly Pharmer is coughing up some $$$ to help the Stormans family, and invites you to do so too

. Read more about the initial case  HERE.

Stormans - Family of Pro-life Pharmacists


Bill and Melinda Gates Claim they will Stop Funding Abortion

Melinda Gates has announced, on the website, Impatient Optimists, that the Gates Foundation will stop funding abortion.  Apparently she has found this funding to be a stumbling block to their overall efforts to tell  Brown women how many babies to have, and how to inject, implant or ingest synthetic hormones to this end.

She will, however push on with the Depo-Provera injections, which can help to super-size the women of third world countries, leading to a whole host of new health problems.  One wonders how much Melinda’s shots are contributing to the increased obesity rate in Mexico, and elsewhere.  It might not just be the soda.

Last but not least, Depo-Provera is not so efficient at stopping ovulation, and has a number of possible mechanisms of action, one of which is to cause failure of the human  embryo to implant.  The heavily funded buddies of the Gates Foundation at Planned Parenthood are pushing the IUD (indwelling coat hanger), Paragard, which also helps to flush out developing humans from the uterus.

We know for certain that the abortifacient funding habits of Bill and Melinda Gates are far from over.

Read more from Dr. Susan Berry at Breitbart.com, and see the statement by Melinda Gates HERE. 

Live Action: Planned Parenthood Exposed, Episode1

15 year old gets BDSM instruction at Planned Parenthood in Indianapolis
15 year old gets BDSM instruction at Planned Parenthood in Indianapolis

Live Action has put out the first video in its series, showing the type of sex advice which is given to a 15 year old female at Planned Parenthood,  Midtown Health Center, 3750 N. Meridian St., #100, Indianapolis, IN 46208.   Watch HERE for the condensed version and see the extended version HERE if your stomach can handle it.

Today is the #sexed tweetfest, so be sure to use that venue to pass the videos around in Twitter-space.

Planned Parenthood Exposed (Again) by Live Action Films

Most often, perverts are not so easy to pick out of a crowd.  There’s  the recent case of the respectably employed EPA bureaucrat who spent 2-6 hrs daily watching porn at work, and was even paid a bonus for job performance.  There’s the Seattle anaesthesiologist who’s license has been suspended due to his alleged habits of sexting during surgical procedures, and use of  medical images for personal gratification.

Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood dresses up fashionably and appears at high level political fundraisers, acting like a normal human.  But look at what her organization does.  The blood of innocents is just icing on the Planned Parenthood cake.  The organization relentlessly pushes a sex agenda which is designed to isolate children and teens from their families, and feed a need for their most lucrative abortion services.

Live Action Films is presenting a 2014 summer video series on the strategy and methods used by Planned Parenthood to market their services to the 66 percent remaining  children who survived their abortion mills.

Using Planned Parenthood’s preferred  twitter hashtag #sexed is one means to pass on this information to your fellow human beings.   Tweetfest is on June 11. Learn more HERE. 

Watch the video for a preview of what’s to come.  Bear in mind that this series will discuss some R and even X rated things, so viewer discretion is advised.

Planned Parenthood Exposed #SEXED
Planned Parenthood Exposed #SEXED

Modestly Proposing that Abortion is Good

Abortion: the best thing since sliced bread.

Adam’s abortion commentary impelled Pharmer of Redneckia to dredge  past memories of literate pursuits, and Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal“, (which is worse than ‘Soylent Green’), came to mind. Click to hear Adam.

The satire that kids put out has to really bite deep to get a response, because they have had so much audio visual shock administered early in life.  Adam tried to go farther and crazier than the abortion supporters of today to elicit the laughter from his peers.  The problem is that being crazier than the abortion extremists is impossible, and that’s what has some people  wondering if Adam was kidding.

This confusion is the same thing that occurred with the “Abortionplex” parody put out by The Onion.  Some people really believed that the abortion sellers had (already) created such a facility……..just because it is within the realm of possibility.

See also: 
Hospitals in UK incinerating aborted babies for heat.
A Modest Proposal, by Johnathan Swift

CookieCott 2014

Why boycott Girl Scout Cookies?.  <-click for the summary.

Girl Scouts of America are wiping their associations with Planned Parenthood and other pro abortion groups off of their websites as the Cookie-Cott gathers steam.

Old pro-lifers have been saying no to Girl Scout cookies, for years. Now the effort has reached critical mass.  The GSA’s latest endorsements of Kathleen Sebelius, (Cruella DeVil of Obamacare), the HHS Secretary, and Abortion Barbie- Wendy Davis (who filibustered in support of  late term abortion), have fired up the boycott efforts, so extensively that even the main stream media can’t ignore it.

Here’s a FLYER that you can download, print and pass around.

Join the CookieCott!  Pass it on!

Margaret Sanger Award goes to Leader Pelosi

Planned Parenthood’s Annual Gala, Celebration of Abortion, on March 27, 2014 features Nancy Pelosi, who will accept the industry’s highest honor, the Margaret Sanger Award.

CEO Cecile Richards says that “no one  is more deserving” than former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi who fought so hard to hammer abortion into the fabric of American life, and into the Obamacare Act.

Planned Parenthood with its increasing federal funds and its decreasing number of clinics, still remains the top abortion provider in the U.S..

Wendy Davis Extra Fancy, Struggling Single Mom

It’s legal to spend campaign funds to upgrade one’s rented dwelling, but it might not be good for the struggling single mom image.

With the added $131,000 that Wendy Davis  apparently spent on her rental upgrades in Austin, she might have raised herself into the more rarified lifestyles of the abortion industry’s upper echelon. Her 2012 income from legal work with Newby-Davis  is listed as $275,000.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Davis has charged some fancy  rental expenses to her campaign funds, while in Austin, and her living circumstances have been steadily upgraded with each passing year.   Details of her luxury lifestyle can be obtained HERE.  

These years of high living appears perfectly legal thus far, and would be just fine (even laudable as a stimulant to the economy) if Wendy were not campaigning on the poverty bus.

Davis is not keeping up with the Palins of 7 years ago (before they got rich),  with respect to the charitable contributions. She’s a little more like the Clintons and the Gores of old, according to the small numbers revealed by the Texas Tribune.

What your Health Care Professional Doesn’t Know about Abortion-Breast Cancer Link

A major source of Continuing Education, which Pharmer utilizes for keeping updated,  and which serves both pharmacists and physicians, had downgraded the concept of linkage between abortion and breast cancer to the status of “rumor”.  This was done in the face of a large body of peer reviewed research, and meta analyses which had produced conflicting results.

Under normal circumstances, a competent educator would conclude that there is a possible link, but that so far the analysis of data is conflicting or inconclusive.  Further study is warranted.  If an educator were not invested  in the ideology that at least one abortion is a necessary female rite of passage into the Pentagonal Order of the Gaia Green Sisterhood, health professionals would be advised to be alert to the possibility of abortion breast cancer linkage and await further results.

Well, a new meta analysis from China is out now, showing a stronger link between abortion and breast cancer, as well as a sort of dose effect (the later the abortion, the bigger the linkage). Click on the image below, or click this link to see the reference.

Pharmer has not paid great attention to the theory of abortion breast cancer linkage, because so many abortion customers likely have such a high risk tolerance, that a 30 or 40 percent increase in the rate of breast cancer would be meaningless to them. It might be more useful to a woman who has been  impregnated against her will, rather than as a result of willingly assuming personal risk. Public policy makers might have more interest in that linkage, as an impetus to control health care costs.  The current crop generally  likes population control and abortion so much that they are unlikely to be swayed.

This example is supplied mostly to inform people that their health care professionals are often being “educated” by ideologues rather than dispassionate purveyors of medical information.   Consequently, the things that your health care professional tells you might be fairly inaccurate, or even opposite of the truth.

Meta-analysis of Chinese Abortion-Breast Cancer linkage Studies 2-2014
Meta-analysis of Chinese Abortion-Breast Cancer linkage Studies 2-2014

In conclusion, abortion (and late child bearing) probably do have a positive association with the increased breast cancer rate, but as always, further study is warranted.  It’s not such a big deal that a person should need Xanax three times a day due to anxiety over breast cancer, but getting the mammograms and being a bit more vigilant would help if either of these life style options applied to you.

Your friendly Pharmer thinks that there are much bigger reasons to avoid abortion.

Related: What your Pharmacist Doesn’t Know about Plan B.

Statistician Patrick Carroll Did the Math analyzing possible breast cancer risk factors in Europe