After Cristian Adamek of Madison County, Alabama streaked at a football game, the heavy hand of the state came down on him. He faced expulsion from his school and the possibility of forever being branded as a sex offender. The Sparkman High School administrators had recommended that Christian be remanded to the Madison County court system to possibly face formal charges. The details of the school disciplinary proceedings had not yet been made public.
All of that was too much for Christian, and the normally fun-loving kid hung himself and died two days later of his injuries.
Pharmer has noted the trend of State run school systems teaching methods of sexual deviance our children, and supplying birth control / abortions, but the state would permanently brand kids as sex offenders for running naked.
This is the upside down world run by leftists.
It’s difficult for a young person’s brain to process such illogic, inconsistency, and stupidity.
Prayers for Christian Adamek and his family.
A thorough investigation spanning from Feb through August had to be conducted before separating an unidentified male teacher from his preschool students. Dr. Judith Wagner,director of Broadoaks Children’s School of Whittier College said that parents could not be informed (until September 5th) while investigators pored over allegations that the teacher played a tongue touching game with at least one of the little children in his care.
The California Dept of Social Services has found that the “personal rights of child#1 were violated when staff #1 played the tongue touching game with child #1.”
It appears that those Social Service people concur that the tongue touching is a “game”, but at least they have decided to “prohibit continued or future contact or presence in any facility licensed by CDSS.”
The teacher, reported to be the son of a school administrator, remains unidentified. His privacy is apparently to be respected as he seeks out and probes the tongues of other pre-school aged kids, in locations not licensed by CDSS. The Whittier California Police Department has closed its investigation of the matter, without filing charges.
There is no problem with hooking up with a stranger as long as you prevent or kill the baby.
We’ve recently been regaled with a compendium of what passes for sexual propriety in our universities, by one Professor Mike Adams. Displaying nude pics of children where pedophiles are gathering is OK, while stating the opinion that marriage requires a man and woman is not. That’s just one example found in Adams’ amazing open letter which is really worth the click.
Long lost on the progressives is the idea that with repetition, sex tends to cause babies, (poorly designed birth control methods notwithstanding), and something is very wrong with killing them.
Professor Hugh Schwyzer, who teaches a course called “Navigating Pornography” at Pasadena City College, unloaded too much information about his sex life and preferences on Twitter last Friday night.
He’s blaming it on a manic breakdown. Says Schwyzer: “I have all my meds lined up: lithium, seroquil (sic), klonopin, wellbutrin, lexapro” Those in the medical field might be pondering that combination a bit.
If you want to compare his tweets to those which can get conservatives fired, (for example, opposing such things as Obamacare or gay marriage) just click the grayed link above. Schwyzer’s stuff is extremely nasty – you’ve been warned.
Thus far, the administrators at his college are condemning his tweets, but have not announced any plans to dismiss their kinky instructor.
It’s a bit worrisome to register a student at Purdue and find that the course offerings to satisfy general requirements are increasingly filled with “foo foo” classes. These are the kinds of courses which you can identify as leftie just from the title alone. Fortunately this offspring of Pharmer has completed a bunch of general requirements during high school, and might be able to skip almost all of these offerings. It’s a good feeling not to be wasting any tuition dollars on them. Yours truly is instead recommending some on-line alternatives to learn about American history and the Constitution. Check out Hillsdale College, for example.
On a more reassuring note, Mitch Daniels, the new president at Purdue University, in Indiana, has gotten himself into hot water with some of the leftie professors there. He has long voiced opposition to using a history textbook by Howard Zinn (A People’s History of the United States) as a compulsory text in public schools, K-12, citing its strongly leftward bias. His reasoning is that those students are a much more captive audience than college students, who choose their own schools and pay their own way, and they should not be spoon fed “history” from the left.
Here’s a link to a letter, signed by 90 of the more left-leaning professors at Purdue, taking former Governor Mitch Daniels to task for opposing the use of the use of Zinn’s works to instruct students from grades K thru 12. This letter is extremely valuable to prospective or current Purdue students because it can help with course selection. The names of 90 leftie academic employees are appended to the letter, and this information can help with course selection. Conservatives can choose to avoid the classes, and the possible lowering of their GPA that might occur, if they openly oppose the professors’ teachings. Leftie students can use the list to suck up more leftism, (and become a bit less employable in productive fields) if they so choose.
Purdue students, don’t go to school without this useful list. It is not comprehensive, nor 100 percent reliable as a predictor of flaming leftism, but it’s probably the best ideological guide to course selection that you could find in such a small space.
The hiring of Astronomy Prof Guillermo Gonzalez by Ball State University in Muncie Indiana has induced the misnamed “Freedom from Religion Foundation” members to ‘urinate lava’ once more. The physical consequences of this inspire the Pharmer to call for them a fire truck as well as a
While unable to understand the inherent contradiction in his organization’s name, (Atheism is a religion), attorney Andrew Seidel has focused his efforts to suppress freedom of thought at educational institutions.
Intelligent design involves a belief that God started the creation of things, but it does not specify a mechanism. Therefore, those who believe in intelligent design may entertain all sorts of scientific…… T H E O R I E S ….about the mechanisms by which things were brought into existence. (Dogmatist Atheists, please review the term ‘theory’.)
Creationism is a subset of belief, under the umbrella of the thought that God started things, and it generally purports that He is much more involved in the specific steps of formation and maintenance.
Equating Creationism and Intelligent Design, as Andrew Seidel appears to do, demonstrates a good deal of ignorance of religion, science and philosophy.
Freedom of thought and inquiry at universities has certainly been stifled by intolerant and close minded individuals such as Jeffrey Coyne and Andrew Seidel. There is nothing wrong with suggesting to students that a Creator started things. The default RELIGIOUS belief of atheists, that things are self initiating and self maintaining, has no physically demonstrable basis, and is as much a BELIEF, as intelligent design or creationism. Any promulgation of the religious belief, that things created themselves, should be under equal public scrutiny as the suggestions by Ball State’s other intelligent design proponent, Eric Hedin, who is now under “investigation” for his course content.
Professor Gonzalez should not feel that he has to continue restricting his more expansive thoughts on the origins of things to his blog.
Judge Eric O’Briant has ordered dismissal of charges against Jared Marcum, the student who was arrested after wearing an NRA T-shirt to school. The prosecutor agreed with defense attorney, that sticking Jared with a criminal record for failing to stop talking to a cop was excessive.
Jared had been suspended from Logan Middle School, in West Virginia, for refusing a teachers demand to take off or turn his NRA T-shirt inside out.
In earlier times, there were good arguments for educating students with various physical or learning disabilities with the general population, as much as possible. If done appropriately, the resulting interactions can add to the lives of all of the students.
With the “progressive” attitudes coming from the left, towards the appropriateness of children having sex, one wonders if the educational mainstreaming policies will have to be curtailed. Millions of tax payer dollars are being used to present a type of sex education in elementary and high schools, which the NYT and Washington post have deemed to graphic for its adult readers. (More likely, they would rather you not know about it).
Rational people would not suggest that all of the students with significant learning disabilities, are able to give informed consent to sexual activity, regardless of their physical development. But we cannot expect rationality from those of our progressive leaders, whose judgment and cognitive disorders prevent them from associating actions and consequences.
Shortly after the child’s “preparatory” experience, administered by an 8th grader who lured him behind the bleachers, he was transported to a rape crisis center.
Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy
The parents of the boy have sued the school officials, citing their prior expressed concerns about their son’s safety, and the fact that these were not addressed by the school. The Los Angeles school district is facing other, similar lawsuits, which are said to indicate a systemic problem within the schools.
All in all, in our brave new world, run by the leftists, it appears that life for people with various disabilities is going to get a lot harder, if it is allowed to proceed at all. During this downhill slide, it might not be safe to mainstream, kids who are physically or mentally challenged, into the public school systems.
Leftist media has interviewed students who saw graphic abortion pictures plastered in the girls’ restroom at Steel High School in San Antonio, TX.
One hundred percent of the subjects selected for this interview, voiced opposition to the presence of the pictures, with one girl mentioning being afraid to go into the bathroom for fear of seeing more of these pictures. As expected, the lamestream media outlet, KEN 5 local news, did not interview anyone who thought that the pictures might be helpful in preventing abortions.
Yes, she really said that, and is apparently is ready for POTTI-CAM. Abortion trauma is a serious problem. Pharmer implores this girl, and all the other selected interviewees to utilize healing services provided by the pro-life movement. It’s a sign of PSTD for a female to request bathroom surveillance in order to avoid seeing pictures of abortions.
Those who purport to know what’s best for us have quietly changed the standards of education in the United States. Movement against this change has gathered steam, and is beginning to influence election results.
Propelled by money from the Gates Foundation, new standards and assessments were produced by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers. All of the states except Texas, Alaska, Virginia and Nebraska accepted the new standards because billions of dollars in federal grants had been tied to the programs. Indiana’s board of education also quietly adopted the standards. This is the reason that the state’s superintendent of public schools, Tony Bennett was replaced by relatively unknown democrat Glenda Ritz. The upset caused the rest of Indiana politicians to become much more friendly to the idea of repealing Common Core.
There are claims from the Common Core proponents that this program does not interfere with educational choice. The problem is that schools feel compelled to adopt the fluff textbooks and teaching methods because they are scored on their students success with the standardized tests developed by the Common core committees.
If you find that you’re unable to help your kids with the “why do you think this answer [in math] is right?” questions that they get, instead of more problem solving types of homework….. your kid is being victimized by Common Core. Functional scientists realize the most significant limitation of their discipline: Science is not equipped to answer WHY. So you can imagine what useless things the Common Core concept can do with a biology or chemistry text. Your friendly Pharmer has seen the stuff. Much of the kids’ time is spent learning how to B.S. on the tests, and write things specifically to satisfy the standards, rather than what is actually correct or useful for performing in the real world.
Kids with brains to spare can deal with the extra effort of rote learning some garbage which is only intended to satisfy standardized tests, in addition to what they really need to know in order to function, create and invent. The real damage done by Common Core is to the kids who can’t learn as fast, and only have sufficient time for the approved material.
The Common Core concept is a large, untested method of teaching. It is better adapted for the propagation of dogma than for conveying useful math and science skills. It had been decided by the elites that the entire population of the United States is suitable guinea pig for their new idea. Fortunately, the Indiana legislature, and Governor Mike Pence have decided that Indiana students will not have to be part of the experiment.
If you would like to read more on how Indiana became the first state to rescind the implementation of Common Core standards, check THIS. Hint: we were spared through the efforts of parents.
Pharmer wishes success for your state in removing this garbage from your life.