New Apple Approved Gay Social App is Targeted for Ages 12 and Up is the latest gay social app which is targeted for underage users as young as 12 years old.  You know how these kinds of apps work.  They are tied into location services of the smart phones.  All of the good buddies that you meet on this app have the potential to find your exact location.

The app is said to be targeted towards helping gay people to find the trendie, fun places to meet, rather than having a strict focus on where to get a hookup for sex.

Conservatives like yours truly would be worrying that if kids decide to get the app for one reason or another, it gives up their location to whatever heat seekers  they might add to their contacts (unless the location settings are turned off).  That could be a problem to the youngsters in addition to the other social apps they might have running, with the privacy settings underutilized.

If your kid has running on the smartphone, there’s your sign.

A&E Preaches Tolerance After It Displayed the Opposite.

The monetary cost was just too high for A&E to persist in its leftist intolerance, so with a hypocritical sermon to the rest of us about “unity, tolerance and acceptance”, the network agreed that Phil Robertson would remain on the Duck Dynasty Series.

After A&E tried to boot out a man who practices all three of their supposed values better than they do, they’re now telling us how to live, and what to think.  Objection to specific activities is entirely different from the intolerance that the leftists practice, in trying to destroy the lives of everyone who has opposing opinions and practices. Ask the bakers and the photographers who have lost their livelihoods because they opposed the practice of gay marriage on religious grounds, or health care professionals who have lost their jobs for opposing abortion.  Less famous people than Phil are routinely being squashed by leftist intolerance.

A&E has no values which they hold as more important than money. They fear losing that more than anything, and this was clearly demonstrated for all to see. The same can be said for Cracker Barrel.  The question for the future is whether you want to support organizations which will throw you and your kind overboard at the first possible opportunity.  It is possible for you to obtain Duck Dynasty episodes without having cable television.  Buy the series alone from Amazon and stream it through a Roku box.  You might be paying for cable only to watch a very few shows.  Cut the cable and use the internet.  As for Cracker Barrel….. that company appears to be past its prime, now that people understand the nature of its management.

Please consider redirecting your funds away from those who seek to silence you, or remove you from society altogether.

Chick-Phil-A Day is Jan 21

Eric Odom of has started a new effort to support the free speech of Phil Robertson.  Odom connected the media backlash against Dan Cathy, president of Chik-Fil-A, after he gave his own personal opinion on gay marriage, with the move against Phil Robertson for speaking his own mind about homosexual practice.  This inspired an effort to support their free speech by getting people to wear camo, and head to Chik-Fil-A for dinner.   The restaurant corporation is not connected with initiating or carrying out this event.

For more info, check out the story at The Blaze, and, as well as the Facebook page for Chik-Phil-A Appreciation day, where you can RSVP if you want to participate.

Phil Painted A&E Into a Corner

Duck  -Roasted Duck Drudge 12-19-13

A&E execs are the losers, that’s for sure. Pharmer thinks their self destruction has been pre-ordained. If it had not been touched off by the G Q interview of Phil’s it would have been his next, or the one after that. He’s going to let A&E do themselves in.
Pharmer would like to congratulate Phil Robertson for getting it done. He has probably been tired of A&E’s management of the show, and the general encroachment of the show on the rest of his time. By this time, Phil and his family could do the kind of shows that they want, better and more efficiently than A&E. The Robertson family is made up of smarter people than the A&E execs, as exemplified by their painting that network into a totally LOSING situation.
After Duck Dynasty, A&E will shrink to nothing, (look at the rest of their programming to see why), and Duck Commander will forge on, bigger than ever.
Incidentally, not all of the gay people are needing or wanting the kind of “defense” that comes from A&E, or the nuts from GLAAD. Plenty of them realize that killing free speech of those who don’t agree with homosexual acts, can eventually lead to their own loss of personal freedom. Social trends and fashions are always in a state of flux. The First Amendment is a good thing for everybody.
Gay adult siding with Phil’s free speech rights.

Duck Storm Drudge 12-19-13Keeping up:
A statement from the Robertson Family regarding the controversy. They can’t imagine filming Duck Dynasty without Phil.
Future Options for Duck Commander Family
Brandon Ambrosino asks why the opposition has to be dismissed rather than engaged.
Truthrevolt coverage ……
and petition
Stand with Phil on Twitter
Facebook Support Page for Phil
Gay adult siding with Phil’s free speech rights.

A & E’s Big Stink Concerning Phil Robertson Proves Leftist’s Comprehension Deficit

The inability of leftists to process language is exemplified by the big stink being raised by activist groups, and the decision by A&E Network to suspend Phil Robertson from the Duck Dynasty Show.

GLAAD and other leftist groups are whining a claim that Phil compared their sexual activities to bestiality.   There is no such comparison.   The statement which they could not understand audibly or in writing, was a listing of various  practices (some of them not even pertaining to sex)  which Christians regard as sinful.

The source of controversy comes from Phil’s interview with GQ Magazine from which these quotes were obtained.

First is a list of sexual practices which Christians are instructed to avoid as sin, with homosexual behavior being part of a broader list.  No comparison is made here.

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.”

If any leftists would like a lesson in how to identify or construct comparative sentences in English, Pharmer can help. (This blog is written by Pharmer only, on the fly, with no editorial assistance.)

Next came the much broader list of behaviors which Christians view as morally wrong and sinful. Note that, as above, that it contains both homosexual and heterosexual mis-behaviors as well as various other forms of sin.

 “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

In all of the available interview material, Pharmer noted that Phil was entirely self consistent to address homosexual behavior only, and avoid any rejection or castigation  of individuals simply because of  homosexual orientation.  Throughout the back and forth, the Robertson patriarch clearly demonstrated higher intelligence and facility with the language than did his critics. He  also demonstrated a greater respect for human rights, and an understanding of his own function within Christianity.

Phil’s followup statement  “I myself am a product of the ’60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock and roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”

The message that we get from the leftist activists and from A&E is that Christians are not to speak their beliefs in public. We directly experience their judgmental and oppressive nature.

A&E has forgotten the reason why millions of people even know they exist, and that reason is Duck Dynasty.  The network execs do not realize that they need the Robertsons more than the Robertsons need them.

Pharmer has no cable television and never viewed anything from A&E before learning of Duck Dynasty.  After that show ceases, there will be no reason to purchase anything else from that network.  It’s likely that several million others feel the same way.  We will be looking forward to future productions from the Duck Commander crew when they have freed themselves from A&E.

There is a need now, more than ever, for Christians to direct  their financial resources towards those entities which tolerate or support their beliefs and  lifestyle choices.

Judge Cites Same-Sex Marriage in Declaring Polygamy Ban Unconstitutional

Judge Cites Same-Sex Marriage in Declaring Polygamy Ban Unconstitutional.

We all knew it would happen.  If the courts invented a right to Homosexual marriage, then the practice of Polygamy would soon be decriminalized, then declared a right.  U.S. District  Judge Clark Waddoups got it done in Utah.  As a condition for statehood in 1896, Utah had to make polygamy illegal.  That law has now been overturned, on the basis that if same sex marriage is protected, then so is any other kind.
The lawsuit in question was designed by Jonathan Turley of George Washington University, which sought to first decriminalize polygamy, then obtain state recognition for this. Turley’s idea of polygamy includes polygyny, polyandry and polyamory, a big group lovefest.
There will be more fireworks as the government forces the churches to recognize these kinds arrangements.  Next there will be marriages to animals and inanimate objects.

Liberals Sexing Blindly

The latest Leftie study might have been perfect for the Journal of Irreproducible Results, but it’s no joke to the researchers.  They’re worried about the adverse consequences of men’s gaze upon the forms of attractive females.  Naturally, the liberals are wanting to ban this activity, which is regarded as the “objectifying gaze”.   Likely the damaging result is not so much for those being gazed at, but for those who are mad about being ignored. Patrick Howley at the Daily Caller is not about to surrender to the left, or give up his naturally motivated and  happy sport of ogling the ladies.  He has concluded that the lefties are losers who “will fall by the wayside”, and the more hormonally vigorous “conservatives will own the future”.
Rush Limbaugh discussed the nanny state, and the liberals who want to control every single facet of our lives, from what we drink to whether we get health care, and even what our thoughts are, while our eyeballs are at play.  Naturally the big guy on the right lent gravitas to the topic, and the DNC thinks that he armed them with a fundraiser when he addressed the “war on gazing”.  Remarking on the proposed censuring of male’s eyes wandering in the direction of female breasts, he proposed a possible line that men could use in self defense if a woman objects to his gaze:  “I’m sorry.  Would you please ask your breasts to stop staring at my eyes?”

Pharmer notes that there is a double standard among the lefties regarding the war on women.   It is not acceptable for conservatives to gaze at women.  They’re too much more likely to have long term reproductive success. The OBJECTIFYING gaze is only acceptable if done by men e.g. Clinton and Obama, who will support abortion and pay for it with YOUR money. It’s OK for those kinds of guys to go a lot further than Gazing. The leftie women are just THAT thrilled to have guaranteed free birth control and abortions.

clinton stimulus
leftgurls loved Clinton stimulus 

But the weirdest thing is  the lib concept of how the opposite sexes (or maybe even the same sexes)  should interact in the seeking, prelude  and sexual encounters.  NO PEEKING.  This might guarantee equal outcomes for the less physically attractive.  Perhaps the utopian sexual encounters will be group affairs, with all participants blindfolded,  and in orchestrated maneuvers reminiscent of a game of  musical chairs,  having sex with whatever warm body is in proximity. No lookie, no kissie, no touchie, except for what is sexual “necessity”.

Ladies, those libs plan to make existence equally joyless for all of us, and the men too.

Baker Faces Prison for Refusing to Bake Wedding Cake for Same Sex Couple

Baker Faces Prison for Refusing to Bake Same-Sex Wedding Cake.

Judge Robert Spencer, a Colorado administrative judge has ruled that Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cake Shop in Lakewood, Colorado, will bake wedding cakes for homosexual  couples when asked, or go to prison for up to 12 months if he refuses.

Spencer realizes that it is against the Christian religion of Mr. Philllips to endorse gay marriage in this way, and made the unconstitutional ruling in the face of this. His court order was in response to a now repealed law in Colorado, but prison time for disobeying a court order is still possible.

The Alliance Defending Freedom is representing Mr. Phillips pro-bono, and is taking this case to the Colorado Court of Appeals.

(This case continues from a July 19, 2012 request to bake a cake for Charlie Craig, and David Mullins, who claimed to have been married in Massachusetts, but wanted to play house in Colorado, a state which does not even recognize same sex marriage.)



Girl Scouts of America demotes Punk Rocker Joshua Ackley, of The Dead Betties

Joshua Ackley, spokesperson and blogger for Girl Scouts of America has lost his face forward position, following the complaints of mothers about his night job.  The Daily Mail says that he will remain working somewhere in the press department, in a position with less visibility.  His name has been removed from the press contact page.

Ackley recently resurrected his band, The Dead Betties, of the Homopunk genre, known for videos and lyric content which many found disturbing.  Worry among the scout moms was that, with this stuff on his mind, he’s  not the person to be interacting with the girls, or representing the scouting organization.

Joshua Ackley's Dead Betties Band, profiled at 100questionsforthe
Joshua Ackley’s Dead Betties Band, profiled at 100questionsforthe

Scroll down, or click here for some background on Ackley that got those Scout mothers so worked up.

If You Still Haven’t Had Enough of the Girl Scouts

This will bolster your confidence in the  Girl Scouts organization, which helps to bring up the girls of America.

You might have encountered Josh Ackley in his day job as spokes-person and public relations face of the Girl Scouts of America.  Austin Ruse at is telling all about Josh’s night job, however.  Ackley has  had a little hiatus from his music career with the Dead Betties,  a band of the “homo-punk” or “homo-core” genre, under the stage name Joshua Starr.

Learn more about the Dead Betties  in a book which follows the rise of “Queer Rock”, or a video called Hellevator, uploaded to Youtube on September 18,2007, currently with 4188 views, and Pharmer is not linking it.

You’ll be comforted to know that Josh has brought the Dead Betties back together, and they performed on Nov 30 in New York.   O Goodie!  They’re putting out another album, (No Love Lost,) and are shopping for a label to accept it.,  which now has 117 questions, is an exhaustive reference detailing the reasons that would prevent most Americans from choosing the Girl Scouts program as an extra curricular activity for their girls.  Question 14 and question 89 address Joshua Ackley’s function within the organization and supplies this profile, which is excerpted below.

Joshua Ackley's Dead Betties Band, profiled at 100questionsforthe
Joshua Ackley’s Dead Betties Band, profiled at 100questionsforthe

Here’s a screenshot of Ackley’s profile page at the Girl Scouts Blog, and below is a screen shot from the blog itself.

Joshua Ackley Girl Scouts Blog

joshua ackleys girl scout

Dead Betties at Wikipedia