When lefties need to manipulate society in order to take control, they single out a scapegoat group upon which frustrated people can focus their hatred.
The NAZI’s used the Jews for that purpose, and it seems that it’s going to be “Deja Vu All Over Again”.
A German group has corroborated what yours truly has observed. It’s not the right wing extremists who currently express hatred of Jews. It’s the Intelligentsia: those ensconced in professional and academic positions as a result of their political correctness. They sense impending economic destruction and they’re taking out their frustration on the Jews and Israel, (because they’d be afraid to take any other responsible groups to task for the world’s troubles).
Oddly, there are some leftie Jews who seem to relish the abuse. That’s just too weird.
Navy Chaplain Fr. Ray Leonard had begun service to the U.S. military after 10 years of ministering in Tibet, under conditions of religious suppression. He was surprised to find religious freedom deteriorating in the U.S. upon his return.
During the government shutdown this past fall, chaplains were banned from celebrating Mass at the Georgia Naval base. Rev. Leonard was threatened with arrest for administering any of the sacraments during the shut down. He then filed suit against the Department of Defense for forbidding him to perform the duties of a Catholic priest. A day later, he received a letter reinstating his right to perform his duties. One week later, he was informed that his DOD contract was no longer valid, and offered a new contract which required him to agree not to receive payment for services already rendered. He was the only chaplain to undergo such a contractual change. Fr. Leonard had been scraping together money for his food and rent during the months of November and December, in lieu of his salary. (We expect the IRS to be going after him for that, later on, if he can’t account for every penny and every free meal. )
Thomas More Law Center has amended the original lawsuit, adding a complaint that Fr. Leonard has suffered unlawful retaliatory damage from the government in response to the first lawsuit. A court has ordered the government to respond to the amended complaint by March 3, 2014.
The Little Sisters of the Poor who run a Home for the Aged in Denver, requested an emergency stay of the HHS mandate, forcing religious organizations to pay for birth control / sterilization / abortion. After a federal appeals court failed to respond, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor decided late on New Years Eve to block this requirement of Obamacare. Government officials have until 10am Friday morning to respond.
Sotomayor’s decision excuses the religious organizations from being forced to comply with the birth control / abortion / sterilization mandate while the Supreme Court addresses the issue.
After A&E tried to boot out a man who practices all three of their supposed values better than they do, they’re now telling us how to live, and what to think. Objection to specific activities is entirely different from the intolerance that the leftists practice, in trying to destroy the lives of everyone who has opposing opinions and practices. Ask the bakers and the photographers who have lost their livelihoods because they opposed the practice of gay marriage on religious grounds, or health care professionals who have lost their jobs for opposing abortion. Less famous people than Phil are routinely being squashed by leftist intolerance.
A&E has no values which they hold as more important than money. They fear losing that more than anything, and this was clearly demonstrated for all to see. The same can be said for Cracker Barrel. The question for the future is whether you want to support organizations which will throw you and your kind overboard at the first possible opportunity. It is possible for you to obtain Duck Dynasty episodes without having cable television. Buy the series alone from Amazon and stream it through a Roku box. You might be paying for cable only to watch a very few shows. Cut the cable and use the internet. As for Cracker Barrel….. that company appears to be past its prime, now that people understand the nature of its management.
Please consider redirecting your funds away from those who seek to silence you, or remove you from society altogether.
Judge Robert Spencer, a Colorado administrative judge has ruled that Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cake Shop in Lakewood, Colorado, will bake wedding cakes for homosexual couples when asked, or go to prison for up to 12 months if he refuses.
Spencer realizes that it is against the Christian religion of Mr. Philllips to endorse gay marriage in this way, and made the unconstitutional ruling in the face of this. His court order was in response to a now repealed law in Colorado, but prison time for disobeying a court order is still possible.
The Alliance Defending Freedom is representing Mr. Phillips pro-bono, and is taking this case to the Colorado Court of Appeals.
(This case continues from a July 19, 2012 request to bake a cake for Charlie Craig, and David Mullins, who claimed to have been married in Massachusetts, but wanted to play house in Colorado, a state which does not even recognize same sex marriage.)
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicagohas ruled in favor of the plaintiffs in cases of Korte v. Sebelius, 12-3841, and Grote v. Sebelius, 13-1077. These two cases, brought by Catholic business owners, argued against the HHS mandate which forces businesses to pay for birth control/sterilization/abortion. Orders by lower courts have been blocked by the Court of appeals, and the finding written by Judge Diane Sykes, supports both the business owners’ AND the corporations’ option to sue over the HHS mandate.
The cases are returned to trial courts with instructions to block enforcement of the HHS mandate of the 2010 Obamacare act. The 2-1 decision reversed those of the lower courts against the Catholic families and their businesses. Edward White, the lawyer representing Cyril B. Korte says that he expects the Supreme Court to eventually take up this case due to its importance as a national issue “to the people who run these small companies and are dictated by their faith in how they should run the company.”
The hiring of Astronomy Prof Guillermo Gonzalez by Ball State University in Muncie Indiana has induced the misnamed “Freedom from Religion Foundation” members to ‘urinate lava’ once more. The physical consequences of this inspire the Pharmer to call for them a fire truck as well as a
While unable to understand the inherent contradiction in his organization’s name, (Atheism is a religion), attorney Andrew Seidel has focused his efforts to suppress freedom of thought at educational institutions.
Intelligent design involves a belief that God started the creation of things, but it does not specify a mechanism. Therefore, those who believe in intelligent design may entertain all sorts of scientific…… T H E O R I E S ….about the mechanisms by which things were brought into existence. (Dogmatist Atheists, please review the term ‘theory’.)
Creationism is a subset of belief, under the umbrella of the thought that God started things, and it generally purports that He is much more involved in the specific steps of formation and maintenance.
Equating Creationism and Intelligent Design, as Andrew Seidel appears to do, demonstrates a good deal of ignorance of religion, science and philosophy.
Freedom of thought and inquiry at universities has certainly been stifled by intolerant and close minded individuals such as Jeffrey Coyne and Andrew Seidel. There is nothing wrong with suggesting to students that a Creator started things. The default RELIGIOUS belief of atheists, that things are self initiating and self maintaining, has no physically demonstrable basis, and is as much a BELIEF, as intelligent design or creationism. Any promulgation of the religious belief, that things created themselves, should be under equal public scrutiny as the suggestions by Ball State’s other intelligent design proponent, Eric Hedin, who is now under “investigation” for his course content.
Professor Gonzalez should not feel that he has to continue restricting his more expansive thoughts on the origins of things to his blog.
Pastor Robert Dekker asked city officials in Rehoboth, Delaware to allow him to hold some religious services on the public beach this summer. He was denied, with the explanation that allowing him to do so would be mixing Church and state. It has been noted that an Easter sunrise service has been allowed on the property.
Contact information for the city Board of Commissoners has been provided HERE, as well as a general contact boxHERE if you would like to give them a piece of your mind.
Pastor Dekker intends to give a “Line in the Sand” Sermon on the public beach on July 4th, and is promoting the event, to draw attention to state efforts to sequester and limit the free expression of faith.
The Blaze is going to follow the story as it unfolds.
UPDATE: A big crowd attended Pastor Dekker’s ‘Line in the Sand’ beach service on Independence day. Law enforcement allowed it to proceed uninterrupted.
One of the driving forces of a return to the military draft is Obama’s hostility to religious freedom. The military is the incubator of social experiments, many of which go against the teachings of most major religions. Theincreasing incidence of rape in the armed forces, some of which is male on male, indicates the pathology of leftist social policy. The speech and freedom of conscience of those who do not agree with these kinds of behaviors is being suppressed. Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel has not shown a tolerance for the freedom of religious expression in the military, and apparently Mikey Weinsteinof the “Military Religious Freedom Foundation” has his ear. Weinstein’s agenda involves anything but religious freedom, with his least favorite denominations being the evangelical Christians.
A major reason for women to avoid service in the Obama military is the threat of rape by fellow military personnel. Another reason is the pressure to abort in the event of pregnancy. A third is the disrespect for the right of conscience.
Likewise, men who enter Obama’s very weird military are under similar threats minus the adverse effects that pregnancy could have on their careers.
Currently on tap is an expected Veto from Obama of the Military Defense Authorization Act of 2014, if it contains the amendment by Rep. John Fleming, protecting religious speech of service members.
There’s big news about the Boy Scouts admitting gay C H I L D R E N to their organization. First of all, this is strange because the sex preferences should not even be a big deal during childhood. The organization is temporarily excluding gay scout leaders, but this policy will quickly be overturned by including the government oversight by means of a discrimination lawsuit.
Taking this issue on more globally, this burning question needs to be asked: Why does every single group have to concern itself with the sex lives of its members?
When there is a policy to specifically admit people who advertise where they like to put it, then that issue becomes part of the function of the group, and those preferences must be rubber stamped by every member of the group.
Making an issue of everyone’s sex preferences, adds sex as a primary function of every group. Each time sex invades and is placed at the top of group priorities, a new group will have to form which excludes sex as a part of their mission. This kind if segregation will occur until the government makes it illegal to “think” that there is a proper and improper way to have sex.
People are willing to give up every single other freedom in order to have completely unfettered sex practices, ‘whenever and wherever’. This idea of “freedom” has come to include the sexual abuse of children and animals.
The disorder of America, and a major reason that it is in the death spiral is that the sex preferences have become more important than any other aspect of life.