If you ever donated or volunteered at one of the Catholic or other religious affiliated hospitals, or worked there at lower salary than you might command elsewhere, for the sake of assisting a non profit institution that serves the poor…….. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops doesn’t think you exist. You and your service and your generosity are NOTHING to them, and they collectively appear to feel that the corrupt, liberal run government, can allocate care so much better.
It’s all right here, in one of their too little, too late letters which Obama and his lefties are likely throwing into the dumpster, after using it for personal hygiene, (recycling being of paramount importance).
This particular letter states that the issue of providing health care for all has gone unaddressed in this country. Unaddressed by all of you who put your time and money toward the effort, or to those who dedicated your careers to this end. Your efforts go unrecognized as insignificant. You see, to our USCCB, things will only be right when everyone has the same miserably poor care, under government mismanagement, as exists in other socialized countries. This letter addresses the abortion issue, but utterly ignores the looming death-panel issue of government controlled rationing. In their left-bent dementia, the bishops opine that only the government can manage such an undertaking as health care for all, and until pressure from the Vatican, and Catholics cutting their funding to the USCCB set this organization to its impotent letter writing effort, they were content to support a complete economic takeover by the socialists.
The bishops’ last half hearted effort to forestall the abortion problem in Obamacare was distributed to parishes, but there was apparently no mandatory directive for the priests to promote it. Many churchgoers remain unaware of the effort.
The USCCB has been teaching, contrary to the Catholic Church, and its authority, that we should allocate our personal, charitable responsibilities to the state. Allegiance to these misguided bishops is a grievous error which will become more apparent as the state proceeds to strip the rest of our freedoms away.
Now is the time to let the U.S. Bishops understand that their leftist, socialist teachings regarding health care and control by the state are not welcome in our lives. Reallocate your charitable contributions away from USCCB interests and towards the numerous direct charities, which feed the hungry and provide medical assistance without abortions. Ask your Pastors and parish leaders to act similarly. Money talks. All of us Catholics can increase our efforts to adhere to Church Teaching. A transformation of the U.S. Catholic Church is needed.
This can be accomplished from the grassroots, as it will be done with respect to the U.S. government.